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Episode 1 | Sticky Calls To Action

Published on October 10, 2023


Episode Summary

In the first ever Married 2 Marketing podcast episode, hosts Todd and Laura Laire discuss the often overlooked yet essential elements of your marketing strategy: the CTA.

A CTA (call to action) is a fantastic tool that convinces a potential customer to perform a certain action, like downloading an eBook, signing up for a service, or providing contact information — to name a few. A creative CTA works wonders for capturing qualified leads and can be the difference between engaging a potential customer or losing their interest altogether.

Listen in to see why CTAs are an absolute game changer, plus how to craft the perfect CTAs that resonate with your audience and increase your conversions.


Laura Laire: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Married 2 Marketing podcast, where our lifelong love affair with marketing is second only to our commitment to each other.

Todd Laire: [00:00:06] I'm Todd Laire, CEO and co-founder of LAIRE Digital.

Laura Laire: [00:00:10] And I'm Laura Laire, VP of Creative Strategy, co-founder of LAIRE Digital and Todd’s better half.

Todd Laire: [00:00:15] Together, we found success in business and in life by combining our talents, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.

Laura Laire: [00:00:21] Whether you're a marketing newbie or a seasoned pro, Married 2 Marketing is a podcast that'll have you flexing your creative muscles, pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box.

Todd Laire: [00:00:29] Our mission is to equip you with knowledge, tools and strategies that will skyrocket your brand success. Let's dive in. This episode is on Calls to Action. 

A very important aspect of just about all lead generation campaigns starts with a really great call to action and incentive, a reason to click or to download or to buy even. And I think it's probably one of the easily most overlooked areas of specifically digital marketing, and we wanted to dive into that today.

Laura Laire: [00:01:07] One thing that I noticed, we kind of did a scan recently of our website, and as I'm going through the CTAs, I'm looking because we want to be our own best client at LAIRE Digital. And the thing that I noticed is that it was clear, you know, subscribe, download, checklist or contact us. You know, it's very clear what it is but lacking in talking to the pain points, which I think is really important, if I'm going to encourage somebody to click that button, what is that the passion that's going to help them to actually do that? 

So I kind of look at a CTA and think about three things Who are we talking to? What is their pain? Of course, and then how are we helping them, and then what results are they looking for? And that's what I really like for the button to be. And you can have the same offer, but it to be really for multiple different people. 

It's the wording that changes and I think this is sometimes missed when we are writing a CTA, writing the language and really truly thinking about who we're writing it for, why we're writing it, and what's going to compel them to actually push that button.

Todd Laire: [00:02:14] So you're not a fan of my favorite and the most classic, the call to action content being “Get started”, “Get started now”. 

Laura Laire: [00:02:27] No, no, no, no. And in fact, if you asked those questions like, really, what? What are they looking for that's going to help them to push the button? So if it's an e-book, but this e-book is about, let's say it's how to build and execute a strategy for trade shows and events like what is the end result that they're looking for? Why do they want this e-book? Because they're struggling with lead generation at trade shows, obviously, but really they want to attract their ideal customer at the event and they want to find out what they need to do before, during and after. 

So the button is actually I want to get more qualified leads. That's what's going to compel me to push that button. I don't want to say download e-book right. What I want is get more quality leads. So when you're thinking about a call to action, what's really going to call somebody to action is not actually downloading an e-book. But the fact that by downloading it, they're going to get more quality leads. So why not make that the button? 

Todd Laire: [00:03:25] Absolutely. I think tying in something witty and something direct about whatever the offer is or that, you know, it's either a call to action, you know, to download something or to listen to something or subscribe to something or it's what we call a direct business offer. Like, you know, talk to sales, get a quote, you know, request for proposal, whatever it is. 

And so there's got to be something witty there related to it. So, you know, I think of like the plumber, right? Like the plumbing, like fix my leak. That's a great call to action, instead of “get started” or “contact us” and “fix my leak” if that was, you know, the issue or if that resided on a page all devoted towards leaky faucets or what have you. 

Laura Laire: [00:04:20] One of my favorites is actually a bidet company, and they really have nailed down their user. The language that they're talking to the buttons. Because when you're buying a bidet, it's because you want a cleaner… Right? You could fill in the blank there and they really fill in the blank there and some explicit language. It always cracks me up. It's funny, you know, I'm always looking at marketing and creative ways to use marketing to really attract your ideal customer and voice and tone is really important when you do that. 

Obviously, your call to action is I mean, it's fine if you say download, it's fine if you say free trial, sign up because that's the product, but it's not really the action. So you're identifying the action the user takes, but it's not speaking to the end result. And I'm a much bigger fan of speaking to the end result. I want this specific result. 

Let's talk about some of the ways that you can change language based upon who you're talking about, like an e-book that we use is called 24 Pro Tips to Help You Take Charge in Your Marketing Role. Well, I could say download e-book. Of course it's going to work. If it was a checklist, I could say download checklist. But really, if I'm looking at a product like this, isn't it because I want to be a better marketer because this e-book is about streamlining internal processes and proving ROI with better KPIs and keeping up with marketing tasks that are derailing their day. 

So we're there to help, and this is what our button says “be a better marketer” versus “download e-book”. Again, there's nothing wrong with that, but it's really nailing and really thinking about it. If you think about it for a minute, when you have any type of offer, whether it's an e-book or a checklist, if you put your customer in front of you and think about what do they want, what is the end result that they want to get from this, it's going to be a much easier and much more relatable and you'll get a better conversion rate from your CTA.

Todd Laire: [00:06:24] Yeah, I think, you know, low hanging fruit, a great place to start with. Like, what do I do? How do I, I don't want the get started and I don't want the contact us, you know, I want it to be clear for the user but I want to be above average. I want to be more than vanilla. 

Every company, and I would say every marketer within a company is looking for competitive advantage. You know, a leg up over the competitors. Go to your competitors websites and see what calls to action they're using. And if they're using the get started download now, contact us, get a quote, then there's an opportunity for you to spice it up so you don't have to go nuts to where your leadership or your management, you know, looks at you cross-eyed or looks at you side eyed about it. But if nothing else, if they're using the generic CTAs, then that's a great place to sprinkle in some creativity. And like you said, Laura, speak to your ideal audience.

Laura Laire: [00:07:22] What if you have multiple customers like we do? You know, here at LAIRE, we serve a lot of different industries. We serve construction, manufacturing, financial services and SaaS, you know, just to name a few. So what if I have a marketing checklist and I want to customize this marketing checklist for, you know, a couple of these different industries? What maybe I want to customize it for each industry specific to what they need. Well, my language is going to change in the CTA, but also the buttons. 

So for instance, if I'm going to make a construction marketing checklist, the pain point here and what I want to say is that homes don't build themselves and leads won't come in during the off season without digital marketing because that's the pain, right? Both need the help of a team and a checklist. So the foundation, a solid, little witty, little alliteration there. My button is “Build Year Round”. Okay, so this is a marketing checklist specifically for construction. The pain is that I'm not able to build year round if I'm not participating in marketing. 

Well, if I want to use that same checklist and customize it for manufacturing, my language will be different because it's a different end result. So for manufacturing, I might say something like You manufacture a great product, but so does your competition. So who wins the biggest? The market. The one who knows how to reach the ideal customer and win more sales online. So the button in this case, they're both checklist the button. In this case, I would make something like “Dominate My Industry” because it's specifically for manufacturing versus construction is build year round. 

I'm customizing my CTA for the end result that each is looking for because that's the result you'll get by using a marketing checklist specific to your industry. Well, if it's financial services, the pain point is different. I want to keep my client list full and a marketing checklist would help them. So my the wording in this case, again, three different marketing checklist for three different industries. My wording is a little bit different, but nailed down to specifically their industry. 

So let me give you some wording for financial services. The financial services market is noisy, so how do you rise above the competition and keep new leads coming in? Digital Marketing. Grow your financial services business with our simple checklist button. “Keep My Client List Full”. 

So same checklist all for marketing, customized for each different industry, but the wording changes and the button changes based on who we're talking to again. So let's go back to these three questions. Who are we talking to? What is their pain and how are we helping them? And then what result are they looking for? That's the button. And that's really a true call to action. 

Todd Laire: [00:10:02] That's great. And how about another one? I mean, speaking specifically to “Yeah, that's great”. You know, hopefully somebody will download our content and even better they turn into a customer. But what about people that I wanted to specifically direct to my pricing or my estate in a request request to quote or talk to sales or contact us? 

You know, in the software space, we talked about manufacturing and finance. What about software? Typically, it's a demo, right? Or free trial sign up or, you know, free demo. Free trial. You know, let's talk through some ideas there to help those that are really trying to get, you know, more demos, more trials, or if nothing else, just more inquiries, you know, where sales can interface directly with a prospective future customer.

Laura Laire: [00:10:50] Well, when you talk to assess client, Todd, what do you think? What and this is how I would work. So I worked with our editorial content manager and we worked through each one of these and we really believe in the power of collaboration. And so as we were talking and we're looking at something that really could work for each industry, we're asking these questions. So if Todd and I were going to collaborate and work on this, some of the things that we would talk about, you know, with Todd being in sales, what is the number one pain point for the SaaS industry?

Todd Laire: [00:11:23] Yeah, I would say getting more subscribers, getting more, more users of their technology, of their platform, of their software, of their app, whatever it is they want more users, more end users.

Laura Laire: [00:11:37] Which essentially is more sales because they want to sell that app. So, for instance, if we have an e-book that's dedicated to SaaS, you know how to move leads through your SaaS pipeline. The button might be “More Sales Please”. If we're a SaaS company and a SaaS company needs to create a button, it depends. You know, like you were talking about Todd what, what specifically is the product that they're offering? Is this a software that's going to help me in a particular way?

Todd Laire: [00:12:10] I've got one for you. Yeah. So let's say that this software helps home improvement professionals like contractors and renovators and, you know, remodel companies communicate better with their customers. So these are already customers that have hired this company to do a job. And this platform enables their customer to text message them or send a message through a central messaging service that this app could provide. 

Because I'd say the pain point for the contractor or the remodel company is maybe they do great work. You know, they are awesome in their craft, but they're, you know, maybe they're not the best business people. And more specifically, it's communication, keeping up with not only all the communication, but the different mediums and types of communication, because every customer is different. Some want to talk to you, some want a text, some would rather chat, some would rather talk with your office manager, you know? So having that available to having those different options available to your customer so you don't most importantly, this is a pain point. 

The company, the contractor doesn't want a miscommunication in addition to being able to manage all the communication. So because that, you know, even if they do a good job, the customers will remember it. Were they proactive about communication or not? You know, you and I've been through the home renovation and improvement process and we've worked with different contractors. And I would say if we had a bad experience outside of the job being bad, it was maybe the person that we talked to or were hired didn't communicate with us that great. So this platform solves for that. What do you think or who would be some good calls to action if the contractors like, Oh, I got another three star review and we did an amazing job.

Laura Laire: [00:14:06] Never miss a lead. Never miss a lead again. Never miss a lead. Well, the first thing that we do is we just start typing like on a on a blank piece of paper. I mean, you you can use a pencil, right? But I generally work on a share doc a Google doc, if I'm doing this with another team member or an account manager, content editor, and just start writing those things. The fortunes and the follow up is what we're talking about and they're missing it. 

So never miss a lead. Don't lose emails anymore. Like I would just start jotting down the the things that I know is happening that they want to not happen anymore. But I mean, the first thing that comes to mind is, is to they're losing leads. That's the problem. And that's the question that I would ask. I say the number one problem is that we're missing emails, we're missing text messages. So in effect, we're losing leads. It's also about communication. And keeping the communication lines open with the customers. So the button would be speaking to that particular pain of not losing leads anymore.

Todd Laire: [00:15:13] You know what? You said something. That's one of my favorite quotes. So I wonder where you got it from. Fortune is in the follow up. It absolutely is. And speaking of calls, actually, I mean, that's a great idea for above the the fold above the bar better than average call to action if whatever it is, the offer or the solution it helps improve or talks about or it's included in a list of many features follow up to any degree. That's a great, great call to action text to get somebody to click like yes, follow up is hard for me and yes, I want to make a fortune. I'm in. I'm going to click this box one. 

Laura Laire: [00:15:57] But there's another thing it could also be “Build Better Relationships” for, and I would just start listing them all out to see what resonates. And then sometimes when we start listing these out, like the fortunes in the follow up, be a better build, better relationships, maybe it's never lose a lead. Like I would start listing all of these out because we're going to use some of this content to create the text, not for the button, but also for the call to action itself. 

So you're just listing out all of the things that this person that this construction company owner is trying to not lose leads anymore. We would start jotting all of this out because you will use some of it that you don't use for the button. Like, for instance, I mean, I might say we all know the fortune is in the follow-up. We know that we're losing leads every day. We can't get to all the text messages. The emails get lost. Like I would speak to that pain. 

Again, going back to who are we talking to? What is their pain and how are we helping them? And then what result are they looking for? So we would use all of that content to build what we're going to write for the CTA and then the button for as well for the CTA. Never lose an email.

Todd Laire: [00:17:11] I totally agree. And one brand that I follow that I get their email is Resi. You know, we like to go out to eat and we like to get, you know, reservations, especially in Charleston where we live. It can be amazing restaurants, world-class, and it can be hard if you don't, you know, schedule way in advance, get a reservation. Will Resi's like a really great brand. They do a great job educating me just in my local wherever I book, they're smart about it. 

So they send me recommendations for tried and true, you know, restaurants, but also new ones. And one of their calls to action that always gets me to click on their email is “right this way” you know, want to learn more about Momo or whatever, “right this way”. And it's just like the hostess, like, Oh, your table will be ready in just a minute, you know? And then they come and get you and they say, okay, are you ready? And you say, Yes. And they go right this way. And it's just like, Yes, I want to sit down. I want to eat. Like there's a motion attached to that. And I think Resi does a great job there. And so that's, again, you know, a great call to action story that I think more marketers and us included need to use as inspiration to step up our our CTA, our call to action game.

Commercial Break: 

Laura Laire: [00:18:30] Are you wasting ad spend? Are your leads dried up? Website not converting? Listen you're busy and we know it. In just 20 minutes we’ll grade your website, identify lead-generation opportunities, and discuss how to grow your revenue. Ready to learn more? Get expert advice. lairedigital.com/talk-to-todd and we’ll put the link in the show notes.

End Commercial Break.

Laura Laire: Make it more relaxed instead of saying yes or no. You know, so that it's just like right this way. It's a little more conversational and a little less, you know, especially if you're asking somebody for their contact information. Just changing the language to be more relaxed and say sure is helpful. 

Todd Laire: [00:19:14] Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Another podcast for another day is diving into forms, right? But anything that you can do to obviously with calls to action, it's that taking advantage and really getting inside of their head in a micro-moment because of our attention spans being so, so thin and so short. But, you know, once you get them past that stage, then your form needs to be top shelf. So we can certainly dive into best practices there. 

But with, you know, with calls to action, there's so many on a site or on, you know, an asset, you know, posted on social media and a paid media ad. Let's talk a little bit more about the different types of calls to action that we see because it's more than just a button in an email or a graphic on a website. There's different formats. There's different forms that calls to action can leverage. And I think, you know, a really great world-class website needs to have multiple, you know, and in different areas. You definitely don't want overkill, but you need to have different formats and different types to grab people at different stages of them being on the website. 

But also like you mentioned, different stages in their journey. Some want to talk to sell, some don't. So there needs to be different formats. And you know, we've all seen I'm getting ready to leave the website and there's a pop-up or a call to action box, and that might be fine in some instances. For me, it's kind of annoying because I'd rather just leave the website, not have to click one more time to get out of there, not.

Laura Laire: [00:20:51] If it's going to save you money. Would you like 10% off? Go ahead and you know, don't don't leave now. I love that one. Don't leave. Don't leave now. How about 10% off your cart. Okay, everybody, loves a good deal. And that'll keep you sticking around.

Todd Laire: [00:21:07] Right. Well, speaking of sticky, so we know like navigational on a website typically at the top or maybe on the left-hand side there's a navigation and sticky banners can either be in place within a navigation or it could be a separate banner, you know, underneath or next to a navigation bar. But basically, it's a permanent follow-you-around on the page. So, you know, if you scroll the, the banner scrolls with you. So it's always top of mind and you know, and it's it can be fixed to the top or the bottom of the page. But that's, that's one format. 

Laura Laire: [00:21:49] Let me tell you how I like that. And this is just me. I mean, obviously, your business may be different, but I do not I don't want to make it hard for somebody to become my customer. I don't want to make it hard for them to subscribe. And there or I do most of my shopping online. Let me just say that. And if I want to if I visit your site or I physically visit your blog, I love, you know, reading recipes and things like that. If I'm visiting your website or your blog and I want to subscribe, don't make me look for it. Don't make me go to your blog page and it not be on your home page. I want it. 

That's the place where I think there's a high value. Is having a sticky banner or something close to the header, like either right before the fold or right below the fold. But I'm a big fan. Like I said, if I'm dropping in, I'm like, Looks good. Let me go ahead and subscribe so I can start getting your coupons or let me go ahead and subscribe so I can start getting your recipes or let me go ahead and start subscribing so I can get your blogs, whatever, and therefore make it easy for me. Your name, email, you know, if you need more information and history and that's it, get on the list or or start getting recipes right now or whatever the outcome is that they're looking for. 

You know start getting discounts if you are a retail store, whatever it is that they're looking for, make it easy for them. And if I have to search around on your site to try to find a way to subscribe, it's likely I'm going to leave before I actually get to subscribe. So make it easier for people to subscribe to your site. People do actually want to subscribe. I think there's a lot of people thinking, Oh, they don't want to get on my list, but actually I want to get on a lot of people's list. That's how I find good deals, do a lot of shopping, and get a lot of education. I subscribe to a ton of blogs for that particular purpose.

Todd Laire: [00:23:37] Say in B2B, specifically B2B websites. There are I know there are robust marketing teams at a lot of B2B companies. And even so, they may have a content marketing department and they focus hard and long on putting out really great content. And I will tell you, regardless of the company size, I would say, you know, startups, $2 billion companies, nine out of ten B2B websites do not even have a subscribe button anywhere on their website, not even on the blog page. And I agree with you, it should be in a lot of places. 

It should be on the home page because. Right, we want calls to action for those that are in different stages. I don't know anything about this company. They have some things that they do seem interesting to me, but I'm not totally sure yet. But I want to see what kind of content they put out and what I can learn from them. Let me subscribe at a minimum. You know, at a minimum. Other than that, then there's nothing for that person to do. And we've got to make that as marketers more readily available and at a bare minimum, put it on your blog page. You work so hard. Crafting newsletters and creating blogs, give people what they want, you know? And I think I don't know what it is like. It's missing from marketing checklists or website launches. Like, okay, maybe even before a search bar. 

Laura Laire: [00:25:02] You know? Well, I think marketing is actually missing from most people's websites. But I mean, that's one thing that anybody that's listening to this podcast should do is, you know, we can do a marketing assessment for you. It's free, it's 20 minutes. But man have a marketer look at your website, have somebody look at it, go, I can't subscribe anywhere. 

I mean, even, you know, the sticky banner is one way, but there's also a pop-up box that you know, if my cursor is going up to the little X to close out your website, that pop-up may pop up, and say, wait, don't go yet. Don't you want to get all of our freebies or get on our list or don't you want to get whatever it is that pops up to let them know that they can still get that? There's a lot of different ways for us to give them that opportunity. But having a marketer look at your website, they would be able to point out a lot of these missed opportunities to grow your lead generation. 

Todd Laire: [00:25:54] Yeah, one thing that I like is kind of sticking on this subscription subscriber call to action is leveraging the amount of customers or at the very least like contacts that you have. And so I'm thinking of one client in particular that we're doing a marketing strategy exercise with right now, and they have 400 plus commercial customers and they do put out content for that audience. 

And so great call to action, and they'd love to have a prospective company subscribe and get access to their content, but like a subscribe pop up or just a call to action that says join 400 plus other, you know, company, whatever the industry is, you know, in your market, in your industry, 400 other marketers or 400 other contractors or 400 other, you know, insurers, whatever it is.

Laura Laire: [00:26:49] “Don't miss the boat” that’s what we make that button. Don't miss the boat. 

Todd Laire: [00:26:53] Yeah, absolutely. You know, and so use that to your advantage. And I think that's such an underserved area of how, you know, marketers or companies in general are speaking to and trying to entice those at, you know, the subscriber level to join their list. You know add some edification there, some maybe even some social proof. You know, like I look forward to their newsletter every month or I look for like we get so much.

If you think about the compliments and the niceties we get about our content, you know, we could use that social proof, you know, within its own, you know, obviously want to use happy customers, but enticing more people through the content that you put out there. And again, I always think about how hard we work to produce content and for it to get missed, you know, because there is an unsubscribe button or maybe there is and it's just a boring subscribe button, you know, and somebody thinks, Why should I do that? Like, the last thing I need is one more email when maybe that's the email they actually need to get.

Laura Laire: [00:27:59] There's a couple you know, I was just going to mention a couple of other types of CTAs that we like to use in HubSpot. And as you may or may not know, we are a HubSpot partner and so we do a lot of our CTAs inside of HubSpot for our clients and for ourselves as well. And there's also a slide-in banner. You can have it kind of woosh in from one side and the banner will remain as the visitors scroll across your page. 

So it depends on what your goals are, whether or not you want to use a sticky banner that stays at the top or at the bottom of the page, a pop-up box that appears maybe when they go to close it out, maybe it pops up after 30 seconds on the site. You can kind of choose the way you do that. The slide in it comes in from some corner of your website or even an embedded. You can embed a button inside your content. 

So let's say I'm inside of a blog and I want them to see it. I can embed it right inside the blog on any specific page. It doesn't have to be a blog page. So there's a lot of different ways to use CTA's, different places to put them. At the end of the day, this is really what we want our website to do is to convert. And this is where a call to action like creating that passion, like what's going to make me push that button? That's the way that we want to create CTAs is to create passion in the user. So I can't not push the button.

Todd Laire: [00:29:24] Right? Yeah. And I mean, I think to like somebody listening to this is probably like, okay, I get it. Like, yes, I can definitely get creative and I'm already creative with subject lines and emails. Like, I get this call to action, but what calls to action do I use and where? And you hit on a couple of things that I wanted to mention. Two specific areas, one on your website, maybe specifically your home page. You know, like that's our biggest impression. That's our biggest chance to get somebody to convert. But then within content, inline content like blog posts or maybe a longer pillar page that's got a lot of content and links to different areas. 

We want people to convert on the home page, and we certainly want them to convert when they maybe find our content through search engines and they go directly to the content. They don't, they skip the home page. So on the home page, I think there are different website visitors who are in different stages of their journey. So some are ready to talk to sales and some aren't even in tune with what their problem is. They're experiencing symptoms. So you need to have calls to action for those audiences and hopefully you've got those audiences defined as buyer persona profiles or your target market, a total addressable market. And then within that, your ideal customer profile. 

So what's the messaging that's going to motivate them? So you think of it like this. You've got somebody in the very beginning, they don't even know what their problem is, let's say, or maybe they do, but that's the extent of it. And they're hoping your website has some information to give them a quick solve without them spending money or additional time. So maybe that is that free checklist or at the top of the page or, you know, if there's a little blurb about, you know, what you do for who, then there's something for them to do. Because too many pages you just scroll. There's nothing for you to do except click to the next page, and they don't even know to do that. 

So maybe that's where we inject the subscribe, join 400 or thousands or tens of thousands of others, and subscribe to our content. Maybe that's something right away. Further down, you know, after you've kind of started to slow, introduce your, your product, your solution, maybe, you know, your case studies, whatnot, maybe there's an e-book or a content offer of some sort. So it's a little deeper than subscribe. It's actually somebody that maybe is well in tune with their problem and now or is actively considering solutions. So maybe that's a how to e-book like you mentioned, the 24 tips and tricks to own your marketing role. 

So you know, somebody wants to do better in their job or somebody wants to get past the stigma that, you know, marketing doesn't do enough or what have you. And so they really want to step their effort up. And so that offer in that call to action would be for them. And then maybe at the bottom of the page, like above the footer, even there is that direct-to-business offer, like contact us, get a quote, you know, and I'm using the generics now, but the purpose of that call to action is I am actively looking like, you know, in the navigation it's going to say, you know, contact us or whatever the creative the call to action is to interface with the company. But at the bottom of the page, maybe above the footer should be that direct-to-business offer. 

So it's but too much of the time. And the reason I went into that is too much of the time. The direct-to-business software call to action is the first thing they see. And so somebody that's, you know, adverse to that walk, what's next for them to do? And if there's nothing, then you lose them. And that's why we see so many websites that have maybe good traffic, but little to no leads, you know, each month coming in because it's a simple conversion problem and calls to action solve that. 

Laura Laire: [00:33:19] And before we kind of close this out, I want to give you a few more examples of these. But it's like Todd was saying, he's using some of the generic because it's hard when I don't know the customer. Like I have to know what is my product, what is their pain. Again, let's go back to those questions that we're going to ask over and over. And I'm a big fan of putting those questions in front of you before you start working on writing the text for the CTA and writing the button for a CTA for it to become compact. 

Is to remember those points. So if these let me give you a few examples of what your button could be and I might give you the text. These are ebooks. So this is all an e-book. Now, every single one of these buttons could say, download e-book, right? What's that? What's another one that you would put that's generic other than download e-book. Get my get my e-book. 

Todd Laire: [00:34:06] Yeah. Yeah. Download your copy. 

Laura Laire: [00:34:10] Something generic. So these are ebooks. Let me give you some examples. This, this one is one that we offer six steps to market your SaaS product. So again, let's talk about the pain here. So here's my cut. My text is you've spent years researching and developing your awesome software product, but how do you take it to market? We can help generate leads in sales with the SaaS marketing strategy. So the button is “Market my SaaS Product” because this is what they need. This is what they're looking for all their time and money has gone into R&D. 

We're going to help them market their product and they're going to use this e-book to do that, right? So instead of download e-book market, my SAS product, let's talk about another one and maybe it's content, maybe it's for a marketer, it's a content marketing workbook. 

Okay, Content marketing, where do you start? You need ideas, a long-term strategy, a promotion plan, and the ability to track and optimize your results. The button is “Become a Content Creator” because this is instead of download e-book, this is what the content marketing workbook is actually going to help you d,o is become a content creator. And isn't that what every marketer really wants to be able to say is that they are? 

What about one for websites like 25 website and must haves? The button here could be download e-book. Get my e-book download 25 website must haves, but really what I want is to optimize my website. So that's the button. “Optimize my Website”. On HubSpot, the button is “Become a HubSpot Superstar” because that's what this book actually is going to help you do. When it comes to setting a marketing budget. The button is Build a Better Budget”. 

So I want you to think like, okay, what is the end result? If it's blog templates that I'm going to give to a marketer, my button is make my life easier because that's why they're downloading these templates, is because they want their life to be easier. So not only is that the button, but the text one will give you one more. An Essential Website Launch Checklist. Launching the website redesign can feel like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. What if you had a checklist so you don't miss a single detail? And the button is “Save my Website Launch”. 

You see how much more compelling it is? It's really a true call to action when you're addressing the pain and you're solving the pain versus download. Now, that's my favorite one to download. Now don't do that, now Todd knows, and definitely our team knows. So I hope that this really helps you. I'm going to push it back over to Todd to see if he has any last thoughts there.

But my my thoughts are to be creative, to not forget about your customer and who you're talking about. A lot of times as marketers or if you know, if you're a marketing department of one, if you are an agency that's working, if you work in a company and there's a couple of you, a lot of times we're just checking off the list, you know, I need to write this, I need to create this button. They need to be able to download this. And but we're forgetting about the customer and all of this and those questions again, who am I talking to and what is their pain? How are we helping them? And then what result are they looking for? 

That's going to be my button. And if you always keep your customer and what you're solving and doing for them and what they're paying, if you keep that top of mind, you're going to write a much better CTA, You're going to have a much more compelling button. And in turn, the reason we're all here is there's going to be more leads, more deals, and your company is going to grow exponentially.

Todd Laire: [00:37:42] Yeah, I think just what I'll say in closing in, I think probably marketers would agree, you know, that are in a role in a company is your customer doesn't care about your mission statement. They don't care about your mission statement. They don't care, you know, how experienced your executive team is. You know, all of that stuff has a time and place. So it is important. I do agree with that. But what they care about most is what's in it for them. Can you solve my problem? Can you help me identify my problem? And then where do I go from there? 

And that's where these creative messaging tactics with calls to action come into play is, you know, in keeping them short and simple is important as well. But then also, you know, explaining what they're going to get, you know, past that button and then, you know, another day, another podcast, some forms, you know, what are they going to get when they fill out that form? What's in it for them? How is it going to make their job better, you know, their life better if that's the audience? And keeping it simple is the key.

Laura Laire: [00:38:52] Absolutely. Well, thank you for listening. We'll see you next time on the Married 2 Marketing podcast. 

Todd Laire: [00:39:00] Take care, everyone. 

Laura Laire: [00:39:02] Bye now. That's a wrap on this week's episode of the Married 2 Marketing podcast. I'm your host, Laura, along with my husband and partner Todd. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Your feedback fuels our passion and keeps the marketing fire burning bright.

Todd Laire: [00:39:17] And if you're hungry for more marketing magic, be sure to visit our Website. Married2Marketing.com, where we've got a treasure trove of additional resources, episode transcripts, and mind-blowing bonus content.

Laura Laire: [00:39:29] We'll be back next week with another engaging episode. Until then, be creative, get strategic, and never go to bed angry.


Todd Laire

Meet Todd Laire, Co-Founder and CEO at LAIRE Digital, husband to Laura Laire, and loving dad to his two kids, Tristan and Skylah. With a passion for helping businesses succeed, Todd equips LAIRE clients with the ultimate toolkit for internal alignment, sales enablement, and skyrocketing revenue. His entrepreneurial journey began in 2001 with small business marketing and advertising. His real superpower was unleashed when he harnessed the internet's magic, using cutting-edge website and online marketing strategies. When he's not busy transforming companies, you'll find Todd running, lifting weights, conquering hiking trails, carving snowy slopes, or swinging clubs on the golf course.

Laura Laire 520px

Laura Laire

Meet Laura Laire, Co-founder and VP of Creative Strategy at LAIRE Digital, wife to Todd Laire, and loving mom to her two kids, Skylah and Tristan. With an entrepreneurial spirit spanning two decades, Laura's passion for creativity, high performance, and continuous learning is contagious. From developing and launching products and company training materials to becoming a seasoned keynote speaker and trainer globally, Laura thrives on leading teams, seminars, and conventions with unmatched enthusiasm and passion. When she's not cooking up big ideas for LAIRE or providing creative direction and strategy for client brands at LAIRE, you can find her developing recipes, practicing yoga and meditation, biking, hiking, playing tennis and writing.


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