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When April Hamilton, MBA, CDMP, PCM®, studied vocal performance in college and graduate school, she never imagined life would lead her into a marketing career. But that’s exactly what happened — and the team at LAIRE is sure glad it did.

After years as a Marketing Account Manager, honing her craft and helping clients achieve their digital marketing and revenue goals, April was recently promoted to Director of Client Success at LAIRE. In this role, her focus is building a growth-focused client success strategy for the agency.

In this blog, get to know April and learn more about her commitment to helping clients reach new heights. 


Meet April Hamilton: Director of Client Success

A self-proclaimed cat lover and singer of high notes, April’s educational background is primarily in theater and vocal performance, though she earned her MBA — with a concentration in marketing — at UNC Greensboro. Networking led her into the agency world upon graduation and in 2021, she landed at LAIRE.Director of Client Success_Hero Image-1

In March 2023, April was promoted from one of the agency’s Senior Account Managers to the Director of Client Success.

In this new role, April is responsible for client retention and results, overseeing the Account Management team to ensure sound strategy, execution, and delivery. To meet these responsibilities, she proactively coordinates and communicates with the LAIRE team and clients to ensure commitments are delivered on time and under budget.

Although LAIRE hasn’t always had a dedicated Director of Client Success, delighting our clients and helping them grow their businesses is the foundation of what we do.

Given April’s excellent rapport with clients and extensive history of meeting or, more often than not, exceeding growth goals for each of her accounts, promoting her to this role was the clear next step in her career. Not only that, but it was also just what our agency needed to further prioritize client satisfaction and retention.


What Does a Director of Client Success Do?

Director of Client Success_What Does a Director Do-1At LAIRE, the Director of Client Success role objectives includes the following:

  • Collaborating with Sales and Marketing Account Managers to create quarterly (and annual) strategic marketing plans for prospective and existing clients based on data, opportunities, and client goals.
  • Developing and deploying systems that allow the LAIRE team to demonstrate clear and measurable value to client relationships.
  • Creating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and measuring performance in a way that demonstrates the impact of our work and allows for informed decision-making.
  • Playing a proactive role in building relationships with clients, scheduling checkpoints to gather feedback on the agency’s value and quality of delivery, and ensuring our agency’s deliverables remain aligned with their business goals.
  • Solving escalated client issues with efficient resolutions.
  • Supporting the team with coaching and resources to develop and deploy marketing strategies for better client outcomes.
  • Empowering team members to always think strategically to find and implement new and better solutions for clients

All in all, as the name suggests, the nucleus of this position is building strong client relationships to drive growth and success.


Why April Is the Perfect Fit

Here are a few of April’s top qualities and why we think she was made for this role:

  • Leadership: April consistently motivates and engages the LAIRE team to deliver quality content and notable results for clients. In this role, she will continue to provide mentorship and team development for professional growth and skill advancement, while expanding the agency’s capabilities to drive new competitive advantages.
  • Efficiency: April is a pro at creating operational efficiencies to best serve clients, making the best use of the agency’s resources and talent as it relates to account management and delivery.
  • Agility: Being able to handle multiple clients and projects at once is crucial to keeping timelines on track and meeting deadlines. When multiple clients and projects are being juggled, high-stress situations are inevitable, but April is well-versed in managing stress in a constructive way.
  • Accountability: April is accountable for the agency's overall client satisfaction and success, including setting goals, tracking progress, and reporting on outcomes. This accountability helps ensure the agency is delivering on its promises and meeting client expectations.
  • Confidence: Clients working with LAIRE trust our team to deliver both strategic recommendations and impressive results. With confidence and apt communication skills, April champions fostering strong client relationships, which makes achieving those desired results possible.

Clearly, we could sing April’s praises for days to come. After all, April has an “alphabet soup” of degrees and certifications after her name! But the above is just a sampling of why she’s the perfect person to fill the Director of Client Success role.

To put it succinctly, if we had to describe April in one word, it’d be a change-maker. Through her impressive experience and, notably, her resilient yet warm personality, she gets stuff done. Not only that but she does it to the highest caliber, raking in “wins” for our clients.


Client Success Is Our Success

Again, we’re so proud of April and excited about what she’s bringing to the table in this new role. 

Rest assured that if you work with LAIRE to achieve your digital marketing and revenue growth goals, April will help see to it that you feel heard, receive dedicated attention, and achieve the growth you desire. Because when it comes down to it, client success is our success.

We’re excited about the opportunity to work with new clients and are always open to hearing about new and innovative project ideas. Interested in seeing how we can help you achieve your marketing endeavors? Give our CEO and Co-Founder, Todd Laire, a shout — he’ll be happy to hear from you!

Todd Laire

Todd Laire

B2B Sales and Marketing Leader | CEO at LAIRE, a Digital Growth Agency - Co-Founder, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Marketer, Sales Team Builder, and Change Advocate.