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Episode 4 | Lead Generation Tips Using AI

Published on November 17, 2023


Episode Summary

Join us this week as we dive into the dynamic world of lead generation and uncover the elements of constructing a powerful lead generation machine, all with the support of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Todd & Laura discuss the necessary elements for building an effective lead generation strategy and how leveraging AI can be a powerful way to optimize your efforts. From establishing a solid website infrastructure to crafting irresistible offers that convert leads into loyal customers, this episode will help you understand how to accomplish your goals with AI by your side.

Tune in, and let's build the ultimate lead generation machine together.


Laura Laire: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Married 2 Marketing podcast, where our lifelong love affair with marketing is second only to our commitment to each other. 

Todd Laire: [00:00:06] I'm Todd Laire, CEO and co-founder of LAIRE Digital.

Laura Laire: [00:00:10] And I'm Laura Laire, VP of Creative Strategy, co-founder of  LAIRE Digital, and Todd’s better half. 

Todd Laire: [00:00:14] Together, we found success in business and in life by combining our talents, entrepreneurial spirit, and creativity. 

Laura Laire: [00:00:21] Whether you're a marketing newbie or a seasoned pro Married 2 Marketing is a podcast that will have you flexing your creative muscles, pushing boundaries, and thinking outside the box. 

Todd Laire: [00:00:29] Our mission is to equip you with knowledge, tools, and strategies that will skyrocket your brand's success. Let's dive in.

Laura Laire: [00:00:40] Hi and welcome to another exciting episode of the Married 2 Marketing podcast. Today we're going to be talking about building a lead generation machine that gets results with a high. 

Todd Laire: [00:00:51] How are you using AI? I know a lot of folks are still kind of dipping their toe in the proverbial swimming pool of artificial intelligence and just experimenting and trying things. And we've learned a lot in a short period of time. But I would say we're also kind of poolside as well and dipping in and kind of wading in different areas when it comes to AI and so hopefully, like through this podcast today, we'll share some helpful tips that we've learned along the way, and we'll also share some resources with you that we've published to help you use AI when it comes to marketing. 

Laura Laire: [00:01:30] Now there are eight key components of a lead generation machine with AI support. First of all, you're going to need a foundation strategy, which is extremely important. The website offers your CRM email, digital ads, and then, of course, automation. 

Todd Laire: [00:01:46] Yeah, so let's dive in. Laura, I know you're extremely passionate about having standardized brand guidelines and having them be uniform, and I think a lot of companies need to focus there first. So what would you say is important in uniform brand guidelines or brand standards?  

Laura Laire: [00:02:06] Well, you have to define them. I mean, it's important that you know who you are as far as your voice is concerned. You know, is that the voice for your company defined? Does a writer who writes for you or a staff member who writes for you, do they know what your voice is as a professional? Is it down to earth? Does it have a little comedy involved, which we like to have LAIRE to be really down to earth to have a little bit of humor, but to be highly intelligent, you know? 

So we've defined those brand standards, but also our brand usage. So it's not just the way your logo looks essentially, or how your logo can be used, how it cannot be used. It's the same for your voice. How do we want to use the voice who is LAIRE? Not like LAIRES, not jargony, LAIRE is not blah blah blah. Whatever it is with your brand, you want to clearly define your brand before you get started because you're going to need this if you're going to use air. 

Because you have to tell AI, you know, as you're digging deeper that I want to add a little humor to that or make this more down to earth or knowing your brand standards is going to make AI work better for you because that's the one thing that it can't do. It doesn't understand your brand. And if you don't understand your brand, AI is going to come out very flat. It could be that it sounds like a lot of other companies and not yours. So this is the very first start is the foundation and clearly defining who you are.

Todd Laire: [00:03:31] Mm-hmm. Yep. Love that. And obviously, you know the right logo in the right place for lead generation and brand awareness. You mentioned voice, the right colors, the right fonts, and having them be uniform everywhere that you exist, you know, especially obviously digitally. So once you've got brand guidelines in uniform and standardized and you're ready to put them into play, you just mentioned Laura, like understanding where you want to go and ultimately who you want to talk to, who you want to attract. And you could talk, you know, to, you know, total addressable market, which is just this wide view of who all you can sell to you. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they're all a fit. Most of them aren't narrowing that down to a target audience. So these are potentials. 

But then within that, really getting to understand, you know, there's so many names for this buyer, Avatar, ideal customer profile or that another acronym, ICP, and we refer to it as buyer persona. And for those that don't know what a buyer persona is, it's a semi-fictional representation of who your ideal customer client user is of your product, your service, you know, of your offering. So it's important to understand, you know, not only who they are, but how they think, how they make decisions because this is going to be important and helping AI help you define messaging and campaign ideas and content ideas, which we're going to get into in a second, but clearly define buyer personas. There's lots of helpful tools online to help you kind of narrow down who they are. 

One of our favorite ways to define ideal customer profiles or buyer personas is to actually interview like our clients best customers and understand, you know, how they came about to use our client's product or buy their service or hire them, if you will. And not only that, but like we like to know where they hang out, you know, how often do they check email, what do they subscribe to, where do they go to do their research? You know, it's funny sometimes when clients hire, you know, seek to hire us, they reach out in there. They say, you know, we really need to do more on social media, specifically Instagram. We needed to do more reels and videos and things like that. And we're always like, Great. That sounds like a great idea. Yeah, you should. Let's dig into that a little bit more. Let's find out where your customers are on Instagram and we interview them and ask them and they're not on Instagram at all. So not that they can't develop a new market, but let's start where we know your ideal clients or buyers hang out and and go where they are and come up with a strategy that obviously AI can help with.

Laura Laire: [00:06:34] That's why strategy begins before tactics. I mean, the biggest question to ask them is why? Why do you think you need to be on Instagram? Is it because you're on Instagram and you think that you need a presence there, or is it because you think your customers are on Instagram? A lot of times we feel like, Oh my gosh, I have to be everywhere. I have to be on TikTok, I have to be on LinkedIn, I have to be on Facebook. And one thing you do need to do, if you do have a presence there, is make sure all of your bios match. You wouldn't believe how many times we go to a customer's profile and it says something different on every platform. That definitely needs to be standardized and say the same thing for each platform. You can have different amounts of words for each platform, but really it needs to be consolidated in saying the same thing. 

But the reality is we need to know why, so that there is strategy behind doing something. We don't want to just jump into tactics and say, okay, let's get you on Instagram and let's start pushing rails. There has to be a clearly defined goal and a reason for why we're doing this. Is this going to help conversions? Is my ideal customer hanging out there looking for me, asking the question, Why will lead you to a better end result so that we stay attached to the real goals? It's better to spend a majority of your time if 80 to 90% of your clients are on LinkedIn or Facebook, then that's a better use of resources for marketing.

Todd Laire: [00:07:56] Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, when you are defining your ideal buyer persona, your ideal profile is obviously want to know the background, you know, and you're going to be developing, developing these personas and you're going to come across themes like and B2B, you know, job role, job title, you know, title might be interchangeable, but the role is relatively the same. You're going to want to know the industry, obviously, that they're in. You know, age is helpful. What kind of associations they're a part of or how they network. You know, how they refer others. And then also what their pains are. You know, really, it's understanding the pains that they have that your product and service service offers them to solve that that pain. 

So to think about, you know, and ask them, you know, what keeps them up at night, what type of symptoms is best. Describe what the pain point it was. We find a lot of times maybe they're not in tune with what the actual problem is, but they're experiencing symptoms that lead us to a problem that we can sell or help our clients sell the solution to that problem. And AI can help identify your audience, you know, your buyer personas, top pain points. But keep in mind that you'll have better outputs from what I tells you, you know, to to attract them, the more details you can give them, like, you know, like we mentioned job title and the industry that they're in and so on. So here's an example to help you come up with pain points. 

Let's say you're a financial services firm and you're trying to target an audience, let's say, of soon to be retirees. And, you know, they're looking for help with retirement planning and asking what are some potential challenges and pain points this audience might face? So, you know, a prompt would be just exactly that. You're a financial services firm trying to target an audience of seem to be retirees for help with retirement planning. What are some challenges and pain points that this audience might face? And then AI like Chat GBT will give you, you know, kind of a 4 or 5, six bulleted list of potential talking points that, you know, that are pains or symptoms of a pain that you can use in your messaging and in your marketing. And we've created a resource that will mention it a few times throughout today where you can go like we created this resource 34 AI prompts to use in your marketing. And so this is an example of one of those prompts that that came up in defining personas. 

I think the other thing, Laura, to is not only understanding the pain that they experience, but then what are they going to do to solve that pain? What are the steps they're going to take? And so another component of defining who your ideal client is or your, you know, your perfect customer profile or buyer persona is understanding the journey that they go on to ultimately solve that pain, consider solutions and ultimately hire you or buy your product or, or, you know, subscribe to your service. And that's where content comes in. And obviously, you know, you don't want to sell early on solutions when someone's, you know, in the early stages of their journey and trying to just understand better what maybe what their pain is and they're describing symptoms.

So AI can certainly help you come up with different types of content for that, you know, so like, you know, I'm experiencing or I'm, you know, trying to attract retirees and they're having these pains. What are some content themes that would be great to attract my ideal audience that has, you know, financial uncertainty when it comes to retirement and not knowing how much to plan for, what is some good content topics that that they would be attracted to. And then of course, you know, Chat GBT or your eye tool of choice will will spit out different content ideas and and topics and thoughts to give you some you know an outline to start.

Laura Laire: [00:12:39] This means it would be good for you to know the buyer's journey actually. Which I think is a good point to bring up. A lot of times on websites, we'll see talk to sales or contact us or, you know, send us an email and and if they're not ready to buy, I mean, maybe they just need more awareness and they want to find out who you are. They're there in that awareness stage. So you want to have content and offers where it's just information for them to get to know you, to get to know how you can help them to answer the questions that they have frequently asked. Questions are important here. 

Then the second stage is comparison or consideration stage. Well when they're actually evaluating different options, and this is when they may be looking at your competitors and which means you should actually be looking at your competitors. They're looking at different options and different solutions that could address their needs. And so third stage is decision stage. But at each point of these stages, as we move through them, I want to make sure that I have something to compare. So if I am Salesforce, I want to make sure that I have a comparison between Salesforce and HubSpot. If I'm HubSpot, I need to have a comparison. 

So when they're looking at both platforms for a CRM, they know the difference is there in the consideration stage. When we get to decision, this is when we actually are looking for more like demos. They're looking for proof. They want to see what you can do for them. And then once they become a customer, this is when we're looking for referrals and we really want to delight our customers. And I think that's something we've really focused on with LAIRE is to really delight and surprise our customers at every stage. But we have content for each stage and you want to ask for content for each particular stage?

Todd Laire: [00:14:27] Mm hmm. Yeah, absolutely. So I was mentioning earlier like a prompt to use. So I found an example here, and this is also in our guidebook that will put it in the show notes and you'll be able to get or if you visit our website and search it, you'll find it. But in a prompt there that speaks to Laura, what you were just saying. You know, again, using this financial services theme, you know, you're a financial services firm trying to target an audience of soon to be retirees, looking for help with retirement planning, provide ideas for blogs, downloadable offers and other content for each stage of this audience's buyer journey. And Jackie Beattie will give you ideas, which is awesome. They know what these terms are. They know what a buyer persona is, they know what a buyer journey is, and such a cheat code to come up with topics where we used to have to brainstorm and use the whiteboard in the good old days and try to think and come up with this and then test that against, you know, different groups and whatnot. So totally, totally agree with that. 

Let's talk strategy a little bit. You know, thinking about where you're at, some companies are fairly new to the marketplace. They've got established competitors and they are a virtual nobody online. So, you know, if you've got no traffic, maybe you have a website or have a minimal presence, then obviously you need awareness, You need help getting out there, but maybe you've got traffic coming in. But no, you know, hook like you mentioned, Laura, like it's always contact us or talk to sales or get a quote and there's nothing else for anybody else to do. And we found and it's kind of common sense now most visitors that come to a website, I'd say probably 99% of them are not ready to buy or they're not in the market yet. So what is there for them to do and interact with? 

So you need more things to offer there, You know, subscribe to our newsletter, join our webinar, download this e-book, subscribe to our blog, and so on. But what if you know, you've got those things, but you just are getting a lot. It seems like you're getting a lot of spam or not not the right fits or target you or tire kickers as we call them, or those that just don't fit, maybe budget wise or the timing. Then you need some type of qualified, you know, qualification system in place. Obviously, I can help with that. So let's, let's break those down, Laura through prompts here, like back to that original issue which a lot of companies start, they've got no traffic, their websites kind of a brochure or you know digital business card and not much else going on there. 

So here's here's a prompt or an idea. You are a marketer creating a plan for whatever your industry is. Let's say you're in the you're in a software, you've got a software for, you know, messaging, you know, contractors to use contractors to use messaging or texting tools with their customers because that's a pain point. And, you know, the construction and contracting is communicating with your customers timely or your project owners in a timely fashion. So, you know, create I'm trying to create a plan for my construction software text messaging business that specializes in contractors being able to text real-time with their project customers and outline some key social platforms that our business should be on or have a presence on to reach its audience, you know? And then. Thinking about, okay, we've got traffic coming to our site, but we're just getting no leads out of it then. You know. 

Laura Laire: [00:18:23] I got one for that one.

Todd Laire: [00:18:24] Yeah.

Laura Laire: [00:18:25] What about create an engaging CTA for it? So it doesn't matter what industry I'm in, but the prompt is going to be create an engaging CTA for home buyers in this particular area like you could be the more specific you are, I think the better product you're going to get out of there. But what about Tide? If you're getting leads but they're not qualified, then maybe an AI prompt is your paid media marketer. Create a Google search and keyword strategy about construction that targets individuals who are moving to the Hilton head area, for instance. 

Todd Laire: [00:19:01] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Love that. Love that. And I mean, you can play around with that too, and try multiple prompts and multiple ways to word that to get better outputs with like a chat type service. So let's shift gears a little bit and talk about Websites. I think this is where we've seen AI really help with coming up with better messaging or maybe we've got what we want to say, but it's just way too long or too much jargon or just to, you know too inconsistent, let's say, and how can AI help us shorten that and really, you know, dive into the finer points of that. 

So when it comes to messaging, remember center around your personas, pain points, the challenges they're having, even the symptoms of the problems or pains that they're experiencing when it comes to messaging, to using used statements like, Are you struggling with this issue? You aren't alone. Most in, you know, in your space, in your industry are experiencing similar like here's a statistic, but what do you do about it? Well, here's some things for you to consider. Instead of I, we. Us. Right? Like all about us. There's a time and place for that. 

Laura Laire: [00:20:23] This is the number one problem. When we get a website that is not functioning or a website that needs a redesign, or when a client comes to us and says, all right, we have a website, but we need help with our marketing and we look at their website, we're like, but your website has nothing to do and it just talks about you like there's no path to go. You know, we talk about the buyer's journey. We need all of these different offers and all of these different steps, but it's also missing the fact that it says, we have won this award. We are the best in the business. We've been in business for 65 years. We have. And so they're talking about themselves and what they do. And they're not speaking to the reason why the customer is there, the pain that they're experiencing. And this I would say this is probably the biggest challenge we have with a majority of the websites that we work on is that they're not basing their content on use statements. And so this is, I think, a really misunderstood and very easily missed opportunity. 

Todd Laire: [00:21:24] Yeah. So let's let's break that down a little further, you know, with an AI prompt. So let's say like we've talked about construction a little bit, this would be the prompt generate five catchy slogan ideas for a residential construction business called Philly Builders that specializes in home remodels for multigenerational households. And then AI will spit out like five different or six different slogans that you can actually use in your messaging that speaks to the ideal state or future state that your customers want to be at and why they would be considering hiring you to help them attain or reach that that future state. So here's some examples with that particular ad prompt, you know, building homes, uniting generations. We're Philly builders creating spaces for every generation, renovating homes, strengthening bonds. That's pretty high. Crafting homes for lifelong memories. I kind of like that one.  

Laura Laire: [00:22:29] But, you know, the challenge here is that a lot of these things like where does AI get everything from? Somebody already wrote it. So you do have to be mindful of copyright and that the wording that's the only challenge I think that most people face with using it properly is knowing that you can't copy word for word everything that you see. You do need to investigate and turn this into your slogan and then get sued by a company down the street or in another state who's copyrighted that particular phrase. So I would say to investigate these things before you use them. But it is fun, right?

Todd Laire: [00:23:03] It's always fun.

Laura Laire: [00:23:04] Transforming houses into multigenerational hate. 

Todd Laire: [00:23:07] Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think, you know, diving further into lead generation and activities, you know, this is a role that that we find ourselves in is, yeah, we can generate leads for you, no problem. X, Y, Z Company. How does sales interact with the leads that are generated if they were to be generated, what's that? You know, what's that process look like? Because we want to understand what that handoff is going to look like. So obviously we can we can generate leads, but we need to know that they're going to be followed up with and that they're going to be processed. And there's things that we can do and create and automations we can write using, you know, machines and computers to automate and make that process more efficient. 

But at the end of the day, there needs to be a partnership. And so lead classification is really important and an AI prompt that I love when it comes to aligning marketing and sales is, you know, this would be the actual prompt. You're a marketing manager planning a brainstorming session with your sales and marketing teams. The goal of this session is to determine the characteristics of your company's ideal customer. What are some questions you should ask both teams to achieve this goal? This is fantastic. I think this would be great as a meeting agenda. You know, let AI help you define that. The interviews that will happen in a meeting like this at an alignment meeting. 

So I you know, with that type of prompt and again, this is in our resource that that's available for you to check out, you know, for both sales and marketing teams. Number one, can you describe the types of customers who have been the most satisfied with our products and services in the past and what made them stand out? So this is like extra work that's important to do beyond the customer interviews. So we do both. We recommend and prefer that we do both. We don't lean too heavily on internal assumptions of what our teams think our ideal customers look like. It's obviously important to interview the best customers that we want to attract more of. But then getting themes and from a marketing standpoint, that's a great question to ask. 

Another one that I like is what industries or sectors have shown the most interest in our offerings? Are there any trends or patterns when it comes to how they interact with us or what they what their top two-three questions are that they ask initially and that'll give you some messaging and even content topics to dive further in. And then are there any, you know, certain geographical areas or regions where our products or services have gained more traction than others? So that can help you define particular target areas, you know, to really focus your marketing and sales follow up efforts. Or anything to add to marketing and sales alignment and kind of getting expectations aligned there. 

Laura Laire: [00:26:18] No, I think we can move right into conversion points. 



Commercial Break: 


Laura Laire: Are you wasting ad spend? Are your leads dried up? Website not converting? Listen you're busy and we know it. In just 20 minutes we’ll grade your website, identify lead-generation opportunities, and discuss how to grow your revenue. Ready to learn more? Get expert advice. lairedigital.com/talk-to-todd and we’ll put the link in the show notes.


End Commercial Break.



Todd Laire: [00:26:43] Obviously probably one of the best the best tools to use in jumping into tactics is emails. ROI for emails is phenomenal. It's it's still the best use. You know, you ask customers in interviews, they're going to check and they're going to ask, you know, they're going to say email. They're going to check their email more often than anything, you know, instead of like how many times you check your email in a day, it's almost like how many times you check it in an hour and not be surprised that people say a dozen times. So nailing email is is super important and some great ROI prompts again to use, you know, for having a sound email strategy for for lead generation or lead conversion points. 

Obviously you've got email addresses, you know, in order to send them, but then we want them to engage and convert. So here's another AI prompt that we've used create a catchy one sentence email subject line for the following content that will resonate with target audience, with, you know, whatever that target audience is. So contractors that are struggling to communicate with their project customers and so then, you know, getting a prompt and, you know, write an email about some subject matter with the goal to get them to convert, you know, with a particular segment of an audience. So it's important to segment, you know, into different lists, different audience types. Usually, you know, you'll have 2 or 3 specifically like to be to be usually there's two main primary personas and maybe one secondary or so. So segmenting emails into those specific lists can go a long way and you'll get a better response when you're actually targeting that specific audience based on what their interests are. 

And then shifting to digital advertising, you know, it's important to like to have AI help you define a paid media strategy to attract your ideal audience, like where they live. And so, you know, obviously, in addition to running paid media campaigns for, you know, a trial or a demo or a consultation or a contact us, it's also important to run paid media just for awareness and consideration level or staged by, you know, buyers and that stage of their journey. So content offers, you know, case studies, those are all really good to run in addition to, you know, like a direct business offer, as we call it, a consultation, a demo, a trial or what have you. We also love to use in channel lead generation tools. So what I mean by that is keeping the keeping the user in the platform. 

So if you're running ads, say on LinkedIn, I can't really do this on Google search because you getting them to convert, you know, and go to your website and then convert from there. But on paid media like you can actually get them to fill out a form and convert on the platform itself. So it's called a, you know, in channel, you know, conversion form. So and then like getting to the prompt, like I want to promote whatever my product or service is to, you know, to whatever my goal is, get more trials, get more demos, you know, have more downloads, whatever, to my target audience or whatever that persona is that I'm targeting. Outline the best digital ad platforms I can leverage and what my budget should be, and it'll give you some guidelines there. 

And we've also created a resource like we do a lot with LinkedIn. You know, again, to that B2B audience, B2B marketers guide to LinkedIn ads is that the name of the content offer? So there's some things that you can actually use to inform AI to give you better ideas based on the loose examples in that guidebook. I think the other thing that's under looked that a good majority of users want to see when they come to websites is the ability to chat, you know, using a chat bot or using a live chat. I'd say, you know, based on industry research that we found, it's about 5050. You know, some are comfortable and fine with chatting with a chat bot that to get them, you know, only so far. But then others that have maybe more complex needs or more timely needs actually want to talk to a human. 

So we feel it's important to have both. You need to have like pre-scripted written questions to have a chat. But bot ask in your your chat technology on your website, but then have some type of trigger that's going to pass them off to a live person, a sales consultant or an account executive or what have you. You know, once you've gotten enough information and obviously within business hours or whenever they're available. So that's something that we spend a lot of time on. We have something very similar to that on our website. Ask key questions, narrows down like based on categories that they're interested in, get a few pieces of contact information and then turn them over to a to a live person any time. The category that they have centered around pricing like they're interested in pricing, they know what they want to learn about and they're more curious about. Pricing is an automatic handoff to a live person to take that inquiry over.

Laura Laire: [00:32:50] There's a lot of good that can come out of the chatbots is number one you can weed out spam because you can immediately tell who is spam, but also the people who are really serious and want to talk to somebody right away are going to get a lot of information before they actually talk to them. What's your email? What's your phone number? You know, what's a good time to reach you? But I actually use chatbot for a lot of the services that I use personally in my life, and I understand it has really never bothered me. I mean, I guess it may some people to actually just get the information there. There's a lot of frequently asked questions and in a lot of chatbots it will say, you know, is this what you're looking for? Yes or no? And then it will. Okay, check out this article or check out this article. So it's almost doing the search work for you so that a lot of times the answers are there and you can with some of them, you can get directly to someone or they'll say, somebody will reach out with you, reach out to you within the next 24 hours or within the next 48 hours.

But you've been given answers to a lot of your questions. You've been given information, and then it has been handed off to a real person. And what I've noticed oftentimes is I've gotten some that said 24 to 48 hours, but I actually would get an email back within ten, 15 minutes sometimes because somebody is monitoring the chat. So it's good for both parties. It's good for the people who don't have to have these conversations right up front. You get a lot of information and I can get a lot of information as a customer as well. So I think it's something that's good to use. It's going to be more helpful than not for most people.

Todd Laire: [00:34:21] Yep, absolutely. And I think, you know, too, obviously using AI is as a game changer, you know, as we've gone over some ideas, but also having, you know, really dialed in CRM and an automation process. And obviously, you need to have a platform or a tool to power that like a HubSpot or some of the others that are popular in the market, but not only, you know, using AI to inform content ideas and, you know, lead magnets and hooks and things like that, but then setting up rules that like just a computer program can use and operate and perform tasks for you when it comes to marketing and sales alignment specifically. 

And so a couple things that we do, a couple ideas that we do like for ourselves but also for our clients is lead assignment to particular reps. So we talked about with live chat and, you know, passing off from a bot to a live person and assigning that lead or that inquiry to a lay person to follow up with their take over the conversation. That needs to be based on something, whether it's round robin, whoever is next in line to have a conversation with a lead that comes in from the web, but then diving in further, obviously assigning leads based on, you know, different markets within your business that you sell to, you could think of, obviously they sell in regions that's important. But the other is based on behavior that I really like and we could totally nerd out on. We are really interested in what users are doing on our website, but also on our client's website. 

So an automation that and again AI can give you automation, you know, suggestions to things that you should have built in your process. But one thing that we found that definitely signals buying intent is how many pages they view and how long they stay on our website. So once they convert for the first time and they fill out a form, we know every activity they've done prior to filling out that form because there’ve been cookies up until that point, and then obviously everything they do beyond filling out that form. So additional pages they go to and so on. So a simple automation that we have set up is what we call the 15, 30, 45, and it is based on how many page views they hit or threshold. So at 15 page views, knowing that a lead on our website has visited 15 pages, maybe not all at once, maybe over a period of time, couple of days, couple of weeks, couple of months.

And an internal email is sent to whoever that leads been assigned to letting them know that that's happened. And we put a link or there's a link in that automated email that says, Hey, you know, Laura visited our website 15 times. Click here to learn more about the pages she's visited. And that's just to put it on your radar. Think about this person moving forward because they they they're definitely interested in our content at 30 pages. That's definite intention of some sort. They are coming back to the website and they have viewed a substantial amount of pages and we found.

Laura Laire: [00:37:48]Or their competitor checking you out.

Todd Laire: [00:37:50] Or their competitor or their job seeker. I'd really like to work and work with you, work for you. But what we found when it comes to customer usage or, you know, visitors and, and prospects and leads that have converted into customers on average those that took their time, did their research and, you know, consumed our content, visited about 45 pages on our website. And think of it like this. If they, you know, go from the home page to a services page to a blog and then back to the services page, that's four page views, even though it's only three pages. It's just that they've gone back to it and they're consuming that content rereading stuff or interacting with something else that they haven't, you know, interact with with before. 

So what we found is 80% of the time they end up becoming a customer if they've visited 45 pages or more on our website. So that is an internal email that goes to whoever they've been assigned to send. You know, if they've not requested a trial, a demo, a consultation, what have you. Whatever it is that you want them to do, reach out to them, you know, learn about where they've been on our website and reach out to them and, you know, don't sell them if they're not, you know, asking to be sold to which most aren't. But hey, I understand that you've been to our website numerous times and would love to know, you know, have you gotten all your questions answered? You know, have you found value in the content that we put out there? Is there anything missing, you know, that you still have questions that are lingering and so on. 

So the other thing to that that we like is sending an internal email to when someone when a prospect or a lead completes an email nurture series. So like say they download an e-book and they get a series of emails after that, you know, up to maybe two weeks, let's say. And so when they complete it and they haven't raised their hand or asked for a console to a trial or a demo or whatever, then an email is sent to whoever's been assigned to that lead saying, Hey, it's Laura Lair completed our meeting, you know, lead nurturing workflow based on this campaign, you should know about it. Here's a link to their contact profile on our CRM and you can learn more about them. Because a lot of times, you know, you got to meet them where they're at. So we like to to bring that fight, you know, to our sales teams to be able to be empowered and follow up with leads, you know, on their own terms. 

Laura Laire: [00:40:28] And you definitely want to know who Laura Laire is anyway.  

Todd Laire: [00:40:32] That's right. That's right. So, hey.

Laura Laire: [00:40:35] That was an exciting. Yeah. 

Todd Laire: [00:40:40] Right. You definitely want to know who Walter is, because if you don't, then you're missing out. So that's. That's really good save. 

Laura Laire: [00:40:47] That was. That was good.

Todd Laire: [00:40:48] Good save. So I think that that's. That's it in a nutshell. And so we probably went through maybe 6 or 7 different AI prompts. And the resource that I referred to earlier is 34 AI prompts to simplify your marketing efforts. We'll put the link to that in the show notes. But you know, learn, you know, get prompt ideas for strategy, website optimization, content marketing, SEO topics and SEO targets, social media, paid media, paid media, and email marketing. And then also quick tips to keep in mind when using AI prompts to get the most out of them. 

So there's definitely a learning curve and we put together just kind of a best-in-class, you know, at least right now, as things always change, they get better and evolve. But really this, this resources is based on some best practices that we found using AI for, you know, lead generation, not only for our clients but for ourselves in multiple, multiple industries, multiple persona types and so on. So hope you get that guidebook and would love to hear from you too. If you've got any ideas, please share them. We'd love to know and get better at our craft as well.

Laura Laire: [00:42:04] Don't forget, you can also use AI for marriage prompts if you are getting married. If you need to get your vows written. If you need help writing a Valentine's Day love letter, which I'm always asking for, love notes are the best thing you can give a woman. I'm just saying. But there's a there's a lot that you could use AI for for this particular purpose too, when it comes to marriage. But I think a renewing of the wedding bells @ToddLaire just in case you wanted any ideas as we're approaching our what's it going to be now 20 years. 

Todd Laire: [00:42:41] We celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary on November 5th.  

Laura Laire: [00:42:46] So less than two years from now, we might have some wedding bells. I think you could even get married by AI. It's pretty it's pretty unlimited these days.  

Todd Laire: [00:42:56] I'm sure I can help you come up with some really compelling ask-for-forgiveness prompts to in case you want to avoid sleeping on the couch or had an argument or had a had a tiff with your significant other. So check that out. If it’s helpful, let us know. Let me know.

Laura Laire: [00:43:14] I hear AI is a great relationship advisor so ask away. 

Todd Laire: [00:43:19] Awesome. Well, thanks for joining us for this episode of Married 2 Marketing and we'll see you again real soon. 

Laura Laire: [00:43:27] Have a great one. That's a wrap on this week's episode of the Married 2 Marketing podcast. I'm your host, Laura. Along with my husband and partner, Todd. Don't forget to subscribe rate and review our podcast. Your feedback fuels our passion and keeps the marketing fire burning bright.

Todd Laire: [00:43:42] And if you're hungry for more marketing magic, be sure to visit our website. married2marketing.com, where we've got a treasure trove of additional resources, episode transcripts, and mindblowing bonus content. 

Laura Laire: [00:43:54] We'll be back next week with another engaging episode. Until then, be creative, get strategic, and never go to bed angry.


Todd Laire

Meet Todd Laire, Co-Founder and CEO at LAIRE Digital, husband to Laura Laire, and loving dad to his two kids, Tristan and Skylah. With a passion for helping businesses succeed, Todd equips LAIRE clients with the ultimate toolkit for internal alignment, sales enablement, and skyrocketing revenue. His entrepreneurial journey began in 2001 with small business marketing and advertising. His real superpower was unleashed when he harnessed the internet's magic, using cutting-edge website and online marketing strategies. When he's not busy transforming companies, you'll find Todd running, lifting weights, conquering hiking trails, carving snowy slopes, or swinging clubs on the golf course.

Laura Laire 520px

Laura Laire

Meet Laura Laire, Co-founder and VP of Creative Strategy at LAIRE Digital, wife to Todd Laire, and loving mom to her two kids, Skylah and Tristan. With an entrepreneurial spirit spanning two decades, Laura's passion for creativity, high performance, and continuous learning is contagious. From developing and launching products and company training materials to becoming a seasoned keynote speaker and trainer globally, Laura thrives on leading teams, seminars, and conventions with unmatched enthusiasm and passion. When she's not cooking up big ideas for LAIRE or providing creative direction and strategy for client brands at LAIRE, you can find her developing recipes, practicing yoga and meditation, biking, hiking, playing tennis and writing.


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