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Gone are the days where you can effortlessly post to your business’s Facebook page and expect your followers to see your content. It’s no secret that organic Facebook reach declined in 2018 after Facebook leader, Mark Zuckerberg, made a major shift in the platform's algorithm. Mark wanted Facebook to favor more meaningful content and reward brands that produce interactions. Based on that shift, marketers had to rethink their social media marketing strategies and execution.

But what does this mean for your business? How can you ensure your fans and potential customers are seeing your content and, more importantly, engaging with it? Let’s take a look at the six social media marketing hacks to increase Facebook engagement.


1. Avoid “engagement-baiting”

Did you know Facebook can demote posts that blatantly ask for comments, likes, tags, and shares? This is also known as “engagement-baiting” and is something you should steer clear from in your Facebook posts. Instead, focus on authentic content and asking questions your followers will naturally be inclined to interact with. Here's an example post a construction company may use to promote a recent blog about paint colors: 

  • Engagement-baiting: "With so many paint colors to choose from, it can be overwhelming for anyone. Read our blog for some suggestions, then comment below with your paint color of choice."
  • Instead: "With so many paint colors to choose from, it can be overwhelming for anyone. What is your color of choice?"

2. Always respond

When someone interacts with your content, react and respond to what they have to say in a timely manner. This increases engagement on your posts, meaning more people are likely to see your content! Being responsive to your audience positions your brand as more authentic and relatable. Your followers will appreciate your response and are more likely to continue engaging with you in the future.


3. Start a conversation in your post comments 

Social media marketing strategy - Facebook engagement - start a conversation

Are you finding that people aren’t interacting with your content despite your best efforts? Don’t be afraid to start the conversation on your own. Here is how you can execute this social media marketing tactic:

  • Craft a Facebook post that asks a question. For example, “We want to know! What is your favorite restaurant in Charlotte?”
  • End the post with a statement such as, “We will share our team’s favorite spot below!”
  • …Voila! Post a comment with your answer to get the conversation started. It’s that easy!

4. Upload videos directly to Facebook

This may surprise you: native Facebook videos receive 186% more engagement than videos linked from other hosting sites. That being said, take the time to upload your videos directly to the platforms you want to promote them on for optimal results. Otherwise, you'll be missing out on some serious engagement. 


5. Use show-stopping images

Social media marketing strategy - Facebook engagement - camera

The goal is for your posts to stand out in the crowded world of social media. One way to do that is with engaging, visually interesting images. Ask yourself - do your Facebook posts include eye-catching images? If not, take a look at sites like:

Each of these sites offers thousands of free stock photos you can utilize to execute your social media strategy.

Personalize images to your business and brand guidelines by using a site like Canva.

To really take your social media game to the next level, use images that feature your business and employees. This will make your content feel more authentic and unique, which equals increased engagement.


6. Study your Facebook Insights

Having a deeper understanding of your audience helps you be intentional about your Facebook posts. Facebook Insights is a powerful tool that provides information on the various metrics that are critical to social media for your business, including:

  • Audience demographics, including gender, age, and location
  • What time of day your followers are online
  • The day of the week your posts get the most engagement
  • Reach and engagement metrics of past posts

Use Facebook Insights to study the history of your content. Which posts have the highest reach and engagement? Do you notice a trend in the type of posts that are performing well? If so, consider incorporating more of that post type into your social media strategy.


Have fun!

While you’re crafting your killer Facebook engagement strategy, don’t forget to have fun! Social media marketing is all about creating brand awareness, connecting with your audience, and giving outsiders a glimpse inside your company’s world. Focus on posting meaningful content, responding and engaging with your audience, and regularly analyzing your social media metrics. With these things in mind, you’ll be well on your way to seeing an increase in Facebook engagement.


Looking for even more actionable tips to spark engagement AND build interest in your content on social media? What about targeting those followers who have expressed interest in what you are posting already? Get our helpful workbook on Social Media Prospecting to help you bring in more business through your social channels! 

 Download ebook - How to Use Social Media to Generate Leads

Todd Laire

Todd Laire

B2B Sales and Marketing Leader | CEO at LAIRE, a Digital Growth Agency - Co-Founder, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Marketer, Sales Team Builder, and Change Advocate.