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Ready to scale your company’s marketing strategy and reach your goals with a curated team of experts? By building a marketing department, you can maximize efficiency and collaboration, and ultimately achieve your business objectives.

Keep reading to learn marketing department structure and roles, plus get insight on alternative approaches that could be right for your business.

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Building a Marketing Team? Here’s What to Know

As someone responsible for your business's success, you understand the significance of a strong marketing strategy in driving growth but may lack the time and resources to handle it internally.

With email marketing efforts returning $36 for every $1 spent on average, among other staggering results reported from digital marketing tactics, you shouldn’t delay on investing in building a marketing team. Building an internal marketing team can be a game-changer for enhancing your brand’s presence and staying agile on key trends you can capitalize on.

Let’s dive into each position you’ll need and how they’ll serve your company.


6 Top Marketing Team Roles for an In-House Department

1. The Strategist

Think of your strategist as one of the key marketing team members to keep your campaign agile and aligned with important consumer trends in your market.

They’ll play the role of developing and overseeing your overall marketing strategy and how it aligns with your company's goals and objectives. They conduct market research, analyze industry trends, and identify target audiences.

The strategist sets the direction for marketing campaigns, defines critical messaging, and ensures cohesive brand positioning across all channels. They monitor campaign performance, make data-driven adjustments, and provide strategic guidance to optimize marketing efforts.

2. The Content Creator

Your content creator facilitates the voice of your brand. When it comes to roles in a marketing team, content creators are responsible for developing relevant and engaging content across platforms your potential customers are on. Their day-to-day looks like writing case studies, white papers, blog posts, website copy, social media captions, and email newsletters.

Your content creator will communicate key messages effectively and engage your potential customers. Content creators should have a strong understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, storytelling techniques, and industry trends to produce compelling content that drives brand awareness, educates, and generates leads.

3. The Graphic Designer

Can you recall a LinkedIn ad that caught your eye or a business card you got at lunch that made you want to update your own? You can thank a talented graphic designer for that!

Of the various marketing team positions, graphic designers bring visual and strategic creativity to various marketing initiatives. They should be able to design print and digital company materials alike to enhance brand identity and captivate your audience.

Your graphic designer’s responsibilities will include creating visually appealing marketing materials, such as billboards, social media ads, flyers, rack cards, and other elements.

Graphic designers should possess expertise in industry-standard design software like Adobe, typography, color theory, and branding guidelines to create visually stunning and cohesive marketing collateral.

4. The Social Media Specialist

With 2.963 billion monthly active Facebook users and 930 million LinkedIn users (among many active users on other popular social platforms), there’s a good chance your desired customers are networking somewhere in the digital landscape. It's critical to meet your prospects where they’re at, hence why a social media specialist plays a crucial role on your team.

Your social media specialist will manage and execute strategies across various social platforms that your current and prospective customers are on. They create engaging content, schedule posts, monitor audience interactions, and respond to comments or inquiries to nurture leads and manage your brand’s public image.

Your social media specialist will also analyze metrics, identify trends, and optimize campaigns to increase brand visibility, engagement, and follower growth. They stay updated on rapidly changing platform algorithms and best practices to maximize the impact of your brand’s social media efforts.

5. The Data Analyst

Let’s face it: You can execute 100 different marketing campaigns. But if your team’s not paying attention to campaign results and how they’re contributing to your business’s goals, you won’t be getting the most out of your marketing investment.

Your data analyst plays a vital role in interpreting and leveraging data to make informed marketing decisions. They collect, analyze, and interpret marketing data to identify trends, evaluate campaign effectiveness, and generate actionable insights.

Your data analyst will leverage various tools to measure key performance indicators (KPIs), track customer behavior, and assess the return on investment of marketing initiatives. Their insights enable the team to optimize strategies, improve targeting, and enhance overall marketing effectiveness.

6. The Project Manager

Within every team, there’s someone who makes sure that planning is not just words — but action. Your project manager will ensure that marketing initiatives are implemented efficiently and effectively.

They coordinate and manage project timelines, allocate resources, and oversee cross-functional collaboration. They’ll act as the central point of communication, making sure that team members meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work within the parameters of your established processes.

They are responsible for identifying potential bottlenecks, resolving issues, and ensuring projects stay on track.


Alternative Marketing Team Structures

While building an internal marketing team can benefit many businesses, it's important to acknowledge that it may not always be the best course of action. Staffing up roles in a marketing team comes with its own set of challenges, including recruitment, training, costly compensation, and ongoing management (not to mention talent retention.) 

Fortunately, there are alternatives that can provide your business with the expertise and resources you need to enhance your marketing efforts.

One such alternative is hiring a marketing agency, which offers several advantages without the need for internal team expansion, including:

  • Expertise and specialization: Marketing agencies bring a wealth of industry knowledge, expertise, and specialized skills to the table. They have a team of professionals who excel in various aspects of marketing, including strategy, content creation, design, and digital advertising. By partnering with an agency, businesses gain access to a diverse pool of talent with extensive experience in their respective fields.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Marketing agencies typically have the resources to scale efforts based on business needs. They’re equipped to handle small- and large-scale projects, allowing businesses to adjust their marketing strategies as required.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Hiring and maintaining an internal marketing team can be costly. It involves expenses related to salaries, benefits, training, and the necessary marketing tools and technologies. On the other hand, agencies operate on a contractual basis, allowing businesses to leverage their services at a fraction of the cost associated with hiring and managing a full-time team.
  • Access to industry insights and trends: Marketing agencies are deeply ingrained in the industry and have a finger on the pulse of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. They continuously invest in staying up to date with the ever-evolving marketing landscape. By partnering with an agency, businesses gain valuable insights and access to cutting-edge strategies that can propel their efforts forward.

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Revolutionize Your Business Growth with Effective Marketing Team Members

Building an internal marketing team that can drive growth through a robust marketing strategy can be huge for your business. By understanding the key roles and responsibilities within a marketing team, you can ensure that all aspects of your marketing efforts are covered. In short, when it comes to marketing team roles and responsibilities:

  • Your strategist will keep campaigns aligned with company goals
  • Your content creator will facilitate the voice of your brand
  • Your graphic designer will turn ideas into impactful, branded masterpieces
  • Your social media specialist will communicate with your prospective customers where they’re connecting online
  • Your data analyst will interpret and leverage information to make marketing decisions
  • Your project manager will ensure that marketing initiatives are implemented efficiently and effectively

If you don’t have the time and funding to invest in building and retaining your marketing team, relying on an internal team may not be the best course of action. Hiring a marketing agency provides an alternative that offers expertise, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and access to industry insights and trends.

By partnering with a marketing agency, you can enhance your marketing efforts without the need for internal team expansion, benefiting from their specialized skills and knowledge while remaining agile in a dynamic landscape.New call-to-action

Tami Kellen

Tami Kellen

Tami is a Marketing Account Manager at LAIRE who supports our clients' initiatives centered around strategy development, web design, marketing automation, and content creation. Tami brings experience in digital marketing tactic implementation and data reporting, with a hyperfocus in the financial services industry, having managed and grown the digital presence for one of North Alabama’s leading credit unions.