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Millennials. They do first and ask later. They travel. They explore. They demand a change of pace in the workforce. They are strong. They are changing the world. They’re not only changing the world, they’re changing the way companies view their content marketing strategies. Long gone are the days of traditional cut and paste advertising  -- make way for creative, out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to selling your product to this generation.

Millennials, the generation born between 1980 and 2000, are coming into adulthood with a disposable income and cash to burn. They’re getting married and having kids later in life to truly find themselves and create a life worth living. This makes them responsible for the changes we're seeing in buying and selling tactics used by businesses.


How Effective is Video Marketing?

When Hubspot’s State of Inbound report was released,  it noted that video marketing is more important than ever. Video is the number one content type when it comes to lead generation and user engagement. In an age where interaction has become desensitized and impersonal, video gives a business a face and voice.

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  • Including a video in an email leads to a 200-300% increase in click-through rate
  • YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year
  • After watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online
  • In Hubspot’s State of Inbound Report, it states that 43% of people want to see more video content from marketers

Video Apps Are Taking Off

With apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook Live, Twitch, and TikTok - video is truly the new way to reach millennials. We want authentic, short, and informative videos before we purchase anything.

More companies are turning to these channels to reach their younger demographics where they spend most of their time. With short demos, fun culture posts, and compelling content full of information, these companies are finding themselves to have viral videos and loyal followers eager to absorb more content.


Benefits of Video Marketing

Youtube reaches more millennials than any single U.S. cable network. 76% of millennials follow brands on YouTube, and an astounding 84% do so on Facebook.

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Video Marketing:

  • Reaches more people in a quicker amount of time
  • Simple to make - videos can be made on laptops, phones, tablets, etc.
  • Websites and social media sites with videos have a higher reach and a higher conversion rate
  • 6 in 10 millennials prefer to watch a company video than read a newsletter

Don’t cause your business to remain stationary as the world continues to change with every new generation passing by the technology of previous generations. Video content doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective and increase leads. If you’re truly looking to up your marketing efforts and grow your business, millennials might earn a place as one of your new buyer personas.   

It’s estimated that this generation will spend $200 billion in 2017 and $10 trillion throughout their lifetimes. If that fact alone doesn’t send you running to a camera to film your next marketing video, it should! So grab a tripod, showcase your product, and reach some millennials! Need help getting started? Let’s talk about how LAIRE can help you implement your newest marketing initiatives. Download ebook - How to Use Social Media to Generate Leads

Laura Laire

Laura Laire

Laura is the VP of Creative Strategy who cofounded LAIRE, Inc., a digital growth agency. Laura is an entrepreneur and avid writer with a love of studying marketing and high performance. Laura has trained hundreds of thousands of people as a speaker, trainer, and coach giving keynotes at seminars and conventions for the past 25 years. Laura absolutely lives for marketing, creating, and inspiring big ideas.