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This news shouldn’t come as a shock to you, but TikTok is on the rise. (And, it’s not only for Gen Z.) If you are under the false misconception that TikTok is only for younger generations to consume and engage with... you are wrong. More and more, B2B businesses have started to enter the TikTok scene, and they are actually performing quite well. Want to know why?

No matter what niche your business is, there will always be a viewer who is interested in what you have to say, and TikTok does a great job of displaying your niche content to the viewers who are most likely to engage with it!

Let’s take a look at some of the TikTok stats you need to know from this last year.

TikTok Trends: Growth Statistics for TikTok for 2021

As we enter into the TikTok era, things are drastically changing in the B2B world. With the increasing demand for short, high-impact video content, your B2B visual strategy needs to follow suit. 

Here is a collection of interesting statistics to show you the true impact TikTok has on users in 2021:

  • TikTok has the highest social media engagement rates per post (Influencer Marketing Hub)
  • TikTok has about 1 billion monthly active users (Wallaroo)
  • By December 2020, the app has 2.6 billion downloads worldwide (Sensor Tower)
  • Older generations are beginning to use TikTok! TikTok Percentages by Age (Comscore): 10-19 — 32.5%, 20-29 — 29.5%, 30-39 — 16.4%, 40-49 — 13.9%, 50+ — 7.1%.
  • Users spend about an average of 52 minutes per day on TikTok. (Wallaroo)

Have these stats made you raise your eyebrows? They made us raise ours! 

So if you are now convinced that your B2B business needs to be an early adopter in your industry, hold on just a second! There are a few things you need to know before diving headfirst into TikTok. 

What You Need to Know Before Starting a TikTok for Your B2B Business 

Just like with any other marketing initiative you release on the internet, you need a marketing plan and a marketing strategy. You can find out more about the differences between the two in our blog: Marketing Plan vs. Marketing Strategy: What’s the Difference?

Now that you’ve planned out your marketing goals and strategy, it’s time to get started. 

5 Steps to Create Viral TikTok Content

how to create viral tiktok content

1. Set-Up

Collect all of the information, props, video gear, and other items you need to film your TikTok video. And your gear doesn’t need to be top-notch - using a smartphone or tablet, with a plug-in microphone (if needed) and a simple ring light will be sufficient. Check out simple video production kits you can buy on-line.

2. Film

Film your TikTok. It’s okay if it takes a few tries to get it right!

3. Incorporate Visuals

TikTok has built-in editing tools. Apply different visuals. You can add text, transitions, and effects to keep your viewers engaged and watching your video the entire time.

4. Add Sound

Pick the right audio - music or voiceovers. By using audio that fits your video, your viewer will be more likely to continue watching your content. If you’re creating educational content, using voiceovers is most effective and engaging for your audience.  

5. Publish

Publish your B2B TikTok video, and watch it grow!

After you’ve created your first B2B TikTok video, share it with us! We would love to see what you’ve come up with to be innovative in your industry.

4 Reasons Why TikTok is Right for Your B2B Brand

Let’s say that you’re still not convinced that now is the time to use TikTok. You haven’t seen others in your industry use it, and you’re worried that the effort won’t reap the benefits you would like to see. Well, here are a few of the reasons why you should think about making TikTok videos now rather than later.

b2b tiktok

1. It Targets Your Ideal Audience

The TikTok Algorithm is great at showing video content to individuals who are most likely to engage with that piece of content. That means that your content will be placed right in front of the people who are watching videos similar to yours! And by launching your videos now rather than later, you will be seen as the “thought leader” in your industry while others are just getting started. 

2. It’s Binge-Worthy

Have you ever eaten just one chip from a bag and left it at that? No! You probably ate many more chips in the bag because it was what we call “binge-worthy.”

Just like the chip example, TikTok videos can be binge-worthy if they are done right. By creating engaging, visually appealing B2B content, your viewers won’t just stop at one video, they may end up watching all of your videos!

3. It Educates Your Buyer Personas

At LAIRE, we understand that education is key to earning trust from your audience. With all of the built-in editing tools TikTok has, you can easily display facts, stats, and other information quickly.

4. It Drives “New Eyes” to Your Website

Here is the most important reason to use TikTok as a B2B business. TikTok can drive new contacts to your website!

In the bio section of your TikTok, you can put a little information about who your business is, what solutions you provide, and a link to your site. By linking your website in your TikTok bio, you give your audience the opportunity to connect with you further. 

If you haven’t downloaded the TikTok app yet, what are you waiting for? Try it out for yourself! You may be pleasantly surprised at the traffic (and revenue) it brings for your business.

Digital Marketing and Your B2B Business

The digital marketing landscape is changing, and your B2B business needs to be ready to meet your ideal customers on the platforms they are already in love with using. Whether it’s through email or TikTok, you need to meet them there with solutions to the problems their business is facing. 

Download ebook - How to Use Social Media to Generate Leads

Laura Laire

Laura Laire

Laura is the VP of Creative Strategy who cofounded LAIRE, Inc., a digital growth agency. Laura is an entrepreneur and avid writer with a love of studying marketing and high performance. Laura has trained hundreds of thousands of people as a speaker, trainer, and coach giving keynotes at seminars and conventions for the past 25 years. Laura absolutely lives for marketing, creating, and inspiring big ideas.