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Charlotte businesses trying to get traction in the Queen City need to deliver what Charlotteans care about. Facebook is a great tool to get that accomplished. That’s where your audience is, and they want to hear from you. Here are some simple tips to increase your Facebook footprint in this region of North Carolina.

The Value of Facebook


If you’re on the fence about putting time and/or money towards Facebook, keep the following in mind -- the Facebook platform helps companies reach their business goals. It can drive online sales, increase local sales, promote your business, and raise your brand awareness.

Think about your content and posts. Posting about your business is important, but that shouldn’t be 100% of your content. Your content should be a balance between posts about your company and other helpful links, images or videos. Mix in posts from other sources and content that's personable to add a human touch to your feed. If there is an upcoming event that you are excited about, but aren’t participating in as a company, still share it! In the world of social connections, promoting other brands is always a great thing!

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Build Your Page Correctly

There are search engine optimization (SEO) elements to consider when making your company's Facebook page. Try not to overcomplicate your page’s name. We typically recommend sticking with the same name across all platforms. Try using just your business name. If that name is already taken or cannot be used, add a few additional words, such as location, to help identify your business from others.  Don't neglect the “About” section of the page either. There's SEO value in that area where you can include popular search terms related to your company. This is also where you can let your audience know who you are and what you offer in a simple, easily found location. 

Images are another important piece of the puzzle. They help people recognize the page and get across your branding. Be sure your images are clear and the right size. Low-quality profile or banner images can turn people away. For added page cohesiveness, try to use the same logos, colors, and fonts. This is basic branding 101, but will go a long way in ensuring your audience recognizes who you are on other platforms.

Useful for Advertising

Facebook advertising is an effective way to reach your ideal audience. You have more specific targeting capabilities through Facebook than any other form of social media advertising. Your ads can be delivered directly to the people you want to reach. Do you only serve a specific part of Charlotte or North Carolina? You can plug in the zip codes of your coverage area to target, and then attract those customers.

You can also use Facebook advertising to target individuals with interests that pertain to your direct service or products. If you are a gym looking for new members, there are interests for health and fitness that can help narrow down your audience targeting. But don’t get too crazy with this. Over-targeting can narrow your audience pool down to the point where you don’t have many individuals that will see your advertisements.

Stay Up to Date on Local Current Events

There’s always something going on in Charlotte. Post about what’s happening. Deliver content to your audience that shows you’re connected with them and the city. Talk about last night’s Panthers game or post about the dinner you had while taking in restaurant week, tagging the restaurant. We are a friendly city, so many businesses will share the love and promote each other once they are tagged in the post.

This is also the place to promote your next big event or weekly rotation of frozen yogurt places. Staying in the “now” will help your audience know if you’re open, at the same location, have any special promotions happening, and are ready for business!

Where to Stand With #Hashtags

Hashtags are labels used to categorize posts or conversations. Start your own or piggyback on a trending hashtag to get your business involved in the conversation. Hashtags will matter most on Twitter, LinkedIn, and especially Instagram, but have mixed opinions about value on Facebook. Always try to pick a handful of relevant hashtags that are specific to your area or offering. While not everyone uses hashtags on Facebook, they can help promote your posts, group your posts with other local companies, and help increase your following. Some popular Charlotte hashtags: #CLT  #charlottenc #queencity #CLTfoodie #NodaCLT #CLTtraffic #CLTfood #CLTnightlife

Should You Join Groups?

Short answer: YES! Get involved with Facebook groups. Networking through groups can lead to referrals, reviews, or inspiration. Take the Ballantyne Connection group, for example. It’s a place where members of the south Charlotte community can connect with local businesses or events. There are many more divided by neighborhoods and interests. Just head to the "Discover" tab under Facebook groups to find where you fit in. A final word of warning though, be mindful of group rules. If the admin rules say no business promotions or the group is specific to a topic you don’t necessarily fit in, respect that! You would much rather avoid potential negative attention from group administrators constantly removing your posts or giving you the boot!


Don't Be Afraid of Facebook

In summary, Facebook can be used as a tool to promote your business and connect with your community. The former is just as important as the latter. Make Facebook a part of your marketing strategy and reap the rewards, regardless of how simple or involved you decide to make it. If you need any help along the way, let us know!

This blog was originally published on February 8, 2018, and has been updated for clarity. 

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Todd Laire

Todd Laire

B2B Sales and Marketing Leader | CEO at LAIRE, a Digital Growth Agency - Co-Founder, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Marketer, Sales Team Builder, and Change Advocate.