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If you’re a marketer, there’s a good chance that the responsibilities you’re fulfilling on a daily basis seem much too scattered to categorize into a one-paragraph job description. You’ve probably felt at times like you’re wearing multiple hats, while juggling multiple balls (of all different sizes), and are still expected to achieve significant results by the end of the year. You’re not alone. 

What’s the one thing that those end-of-year results typically have in common? Growth! Growth is something that all marketers can exclaim and agree upon resoundingly. Growth is our job, right? Knowing that growth is the goal, what’s the method in which we achieve that desired success? Is it through strategy or through tools? Relax - there’s no wrong answer, it’s often a combination of both! You need a solid marketing strategy with actionable steps to see your ideal revenue goals come to fruition, and a sturdy tool belt can help you get there faster. 


Identifying the HubSpot Tools That Support Your Business Goals and Marketing Strategy

HubSpot’s robust platform allows all of our favorite marketing tools and data to be housed under one roof. In this blog, we will discuss some of the best HubSpot tools for B2B marketers. However, we’re going to give you two paths to help you understand which HubSpot tools may best benefit you as a marketer. We will break down the platform’s tools first based on those that best support your overall goal, and secondly based on the marketing tools that further the strategy that you have in place for your B2B customers. Whether you choose to understand some of the top tools through your goals or your strategy, we hope this will serve as a guide to assist you in your marketing efforts. 


Communicating Effectively with B2B Prospects

B2B (business-to-business) marketing and B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing are very different, so it’s important to know why the audiences require different goals and how to distinguish your strategies to communicate effectively to their needs and pain points. 

What is your B2B marketing goal

To Attract Attention

Pretty obvious, right? You want to create crave-able content that is impossible for your target business audiences to miss. Here are a few tools within HubSpot’s platform that support this goal. 

      • Blog 
      • SEO 
      • Social media 
      • Live chat  

To Convert More Leads

How do we know that our efforts are successful? Through conversions of qualified leads that will eventually turn into sales for our business. If your goal is to turn more visitors into leads with a personalized yet scalable strategy, then the following HubSpot tools may be a good starting place. 

      • Landing page builder 
      • Form builder 
      • Marketing automation: (workflows, nurture + lead scoring)
      • Email Marketing (personalization tokens, A/B tests) 
      • Lead Tracking & Management (segment, nurture, lead scoring) 

To Report & Customize 

While solid leads do communicate that the tactics we’ve put in place are working, we certainly want to take it a step further to analyze why the strategies are or are not working. Our customers certainly want to see ROI and a concise and understandable reporting method will help us do just that. 

      • Marketing analytics (reports, dashboards, integrated campaign activities, closed deals → ROI) 

inbound methodology

The inbound methodology supports these goals wholeheartedly with the four pillars: Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight. B2B marketers want to attract strangers to their website, convert qualified visitors to leads, close deals with the leads who choose and trust you, and finally, delight those customers who are your biggest fans. Using HubSpot tools as a B2B marketer, will help you get one step closer to closing the gap between those strangers and your promoters. 

What is your B2B marketing strategy

Content Marketing 

B2B customers have a desire to be educated with valuable content and resources that provide them with exactly what they have come looking to you for. 

      • Blog topic generator
      • Customizable offer templates
      • Keyword optimization tools

Email Marketing 

Email marketing can be a powerful tool to complement your content marketing efforts and continue to fuel your business’ brand. B2B audiences will be most concerned with receiving content that is seen as a resource to them, something that answers a question, or shows positive ROI.

      • Lists/segmentation
      • Personalization tokens
      • Campaign management
      • Lead management
      • Analytics

Social Media Marketing 

Did you know that 84% of C-level and VP-level buyers will use social media in their decision making process? B2B audiences may be harder to engage with through social platforms and it might not be the place that your leads will convert - and that’s okay. However, you certainly don’t want to miss the opportunity to give your business a brand personality and communicate your expertise through the right platform. 

      • Campaign setup and monitoring
      • Social media analytics
      • Planning and strategizing

social media stat

Marketing Automation and Lead Generation 

Using marketing automation tools creates a greater opportunity for your business to generate and convert qualified leads at a faster pace. Keep the lines of communication with prospects open and consistent by automating repetitive daily tasks such as campaign scheduling, email follow up and social media posting. Marketing automation tools allow you deliver more personalized and relevant messaging to your sales prospects when they need it most.

      • Forms
      • CTAs 
      • Lead Flows 
      • Lists/Segmentation 

Why use HubSpot’s Marketing Automation Tools? 


Like we mentioned in the beginning of this article, marketers are multiple-hat-wearers and multiple-ball-jugglers. Marketing automation tools, like HubSpot, are designed to work for you, to automate your current marketing processes, and ultimately to help you reach your revenue goals. We want to work smarter, not harder! Productivity and time management are some of the largest benefits to using marketing automation tools. 


HubSpot also supports many third-party integrations that you’re probably familiar with as a B2B marketer. Ideally, you can connect your already existing systems with ease so that everything is housed under one roof. The HubSpot App Ecosystem features over 500+ compatible software services or apps that you can use within your platform for powerful integrations. 

HubSpot Integrations

HubSpot Support 

At LAIRE, we surveyed our team to ask what some of their favorite available tools within HubSpot were. Several of our team members expressed their love for HubSpot’s remarkable support team. There are so many ways to connect with a HubSpot team member if you ever need assistance. Their live chat, knowledge base, customer community, and HubSpot academy are just some of the resources that our employees take full advantage of. We can always count on them! 

Support Your Marketing Goals and Strategy with HubSpot

HubSpot is the go-to inbound marketing automation software for small-to-medium businesses, making the lives of B2B marketers so much easier. If you’ve been dreaming of a platform where all of your marketing can come together, then it may be time to check out HubSpot’s tools to support your marketing goals and strategies. If you’re not sure if HubSpot is right for you, that’s okay - we’ve written a blog to help you choose a marketing automation platform. Feel free to check it out! In the meantime, let us show you how you can exceed your revenue goals and bring in more leads with our 20 minute marketing assessment

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Tami Kellen

Tami Kellen

Tami is a Marketing Account Manager at LAIRE who supports our clients' initiatives centered around strategy development, web design, marketing automation, and content creation. Tami brings experience in digital marketing tactic implementation and data reporting, with a hyperfocus in the financial services industry, having managed and grown the digital presence for one of North Alabama’s leading credit unions.