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Let’s face it: We couldn’t do what we do without our customers. As a growing digital marketing agency, we want to ensure that each of our customers feels that sense of gratitude and appreciation far beyond special holidays — and no matter how much we continue to grow.

You might be asking the same question and wrestling with how you can show your customers that you are thankful for their partnership.

It's very easy for an agency, company, or office to say thank you at the moment of service rendered. But what about after that?

The goal is to continue delighting your clients, patients, or customers so they want to continue service with you and, in turn, become an advocate for you.


8 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Clients

1. Start a Loyalty Program

A loyalty or recognition program that rewards for engagement, services tendered, or whatever you choose. Create steps or statuses for people to achieve, and reward them when they do.

2. Send a Handwritten Note

A handwritten note can speak volumes! It shows that you took the time to sit down and write out a personalized note when you could have just bought or sent a generic pre-made card.

It doesn’t have to be extravagant or long, just customize it to the person you are sending it to and they will appreciate it beyond what you can imagine.

Check out this blog about relationship marketing for a deeper focus on delighting your customers.

3. Reward Your Social Media Followers

Reward your social media followers for engaging in content, posting a picture, or writing a review. Let them know you appreciate the time they took to help your business. It could be as simple as a discounted or free service, coffee on you, or a gift card.

4. Shine the Spotlight

Spotlight your clients, patients, or customers on your social media channels or your website. Let them know how awesome you think they are and thank them for trusting you with their business or service needed.

5. Give a Gift

Give away gift cards or free goodies. Branded items are perfect for this because it’s another opportunity to get your name out there. Try a weekly or monthly giveaway. Whatever you decide, your buyers will appreciate the goodies.

6. Hold an Educational Event

This is a different way to give back to your community. By holding a night that educates people on your services or a parallel topic, you showcase your remarkables and knowledge in your industry and are giving back to the community in a way that is unmatched.

7. Offer Positive Feedback

Offer positive feedback to a client, patient, or customer if you’ve implemented a change they suggested. Maybe someone suggested you supply more pamphlets and info brochures in the office, or a small play area with puzzles or books for children.

Whatever it is, if you implement it and see that it is working in your favor, let that client know you are grateful for their suggestion and how it is making a positive impact on your business.

8. Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

The number one thing you can do to show appreciation is to deliver exceptional customer service. Simple ways to make sure your clients, patients, or customers feel appreciated and important include:

  • Smiling when they walk in the door
  • Asking them how their day is going
  • Remembering details about them for the next time they come in
  • Showing you genuinely care about them as an individual

Your customer relationship management (CRM) software can help you remember these small details and impress your customers.


Ways to Say Thanks to Your Employees

You should also be showing appreciation towards your internal team. They are the ones who help make your business successful!

1. Acknowledge Good Work

Acknowledge when an employee has done great work and give them some praise. It could even be as simple as a personalized sticky note on their desk or computer. Your employees go above and beyond for your clients, and recognizing them for their hard work will go a long way.

2. Create Team Bonding Experiences

Whether it’s a special event out, a happy hour after work, or a group lunch on a Friday, your employees will appreciate the time spent outside of work connecting in a stress-free environment.

If you work remotely like we do, host a virtual happy hour or lunch where your team can come together and socialize with their colleagues.

3. Provide Treats at Work

From donuts and coffee to fruits and little snacks, employees love free food. It doesn’t have to be a routine; you can surprise them every once in a while to put a spring in their step. Everyone has a better day when they are surprised with goodies.

Again, if you cannot physically supply goodies in an office setting, try sending your employees a small gift card to a coffee shop as a way to buy their morning cup of java.

4. Remember Birthdays and Special Occasions

Remembering birthdays and special occasions can show that you really care about your employees’ lives. Work anniversaries are a great example. If you can, treat them to a meal or gift flowers.

Providing a day or celebration surrounding your employees and how they have made a substantial impact on your company will foster employee engagement.

5. Upgrade Your Workplace

Upgrading your workplace with a few simple things can make employees feel more appreciated while creating positivity and productivity in the office.

Provide a coffee machine with free coffee, decorate for holidays, hold workday potluck lunch parties where everyone gets involved, add plants to liven up the place, or maybe a small area with comfortable chairs where employees can go to recharge on a break. These are all great ways to create a happy space for employees to work in which should ultimately increase productivity.

Need additional tips for improving employee productivity and pride? Our blog has several awesome ideas!

6. Promote Work-Life Balance

Lastly, be respectful and considerate of your employees’ lives in and outside of work. We're all balancing work and personal life, so don’t scrutinize an employee who has to pick up the kids from school a little bit early or step out for doctor appointments.

It’s also not a good idea to take out your bad day on an employee. One second of undeserved frustration toward an employee can undo the trust you’ve built with them and create a negative relationship. A respectful relationship is a successful one.


Wrapping Up

By implementing a few of these tactics, your customers and employees will continuously feel the love. Putting your customers at the center of everything you do, and showing your team how wonderful they are, will help your business continue to grow. But don’t take our word for it, try it out yourself.

If you need help in starting your inbound journey, talk with our team of experts about where to begin.

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Laura Laire

Laura Laire

Laura is the VP of Creative Strategy who cofounded LAIRE, Inc., a digital growth agency. Laura is an entrepreneur and avid writer with a love of studying marketing and high performance. Laura has trained hundreds of thousands of people as a speaker, trainer, and coach giving keynotes at seminars and conventions for the past 25 years. Laura absolutely lives for marketing, creating, and inspiring big ideas.