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What Is a Pillar Page?   |   What Is a Landing Page?   |   Which to Use for Paid Ads   |   
Best Practices for Landing Pages   |   Measuring & Improving Performance


Digital advertising is a powerful tool for reaching highly targeted audiences, but what happens after someone clicks your paid social or search ad is crucial. The experience they have can mean the difference between a conversion and an immediate bounce.

This is where landing pages and pillar pages come into play. Although different, they both serve important roles in digital marketing.

Landing pages are typically single-purpose pages designed to capture leads or prompt specific actions, such as purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. On the other hand, pillar pages act as comprehensive guides on broad topics, offering in-depth information and serving as a hub for related content.

In this blog, we'll explore the effectiveness of both landing pages and pillar pages and how each can significantly contribute to the success of your paid advertising campaigns.


What Is a Pillar Page?

Essentially, a pillar page is a piece of content that acts as the central hub for a specific topic on your website. It covers that topic in-depth: It provides valuable information and also links to related subtopics (often referred to as topic clusters or cluster content) within your website.

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The main goal of a pillar page is to act as the go-to resource for a chosen topic, giving your visitors a broad overview while directing them to more detailed articles and resources through internal links.

Benefits of Pillar Pages

Pillar pages offer many benefits especially when it comes to your content and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Here are some of the main advantages:

Improved SEO Performance

  • Increased Keyword Authority: Since pillar pages focus on a broad topic and link to related content, they help search engines recognize your site as an authority on that topic.
  • Internal Linking Boost: By linking related content to your pillar page, you create a stronger internal linking structure that enhances your website’s SEO.
  • Better Rankings: Pillar pages often rank well for broad keywords, leading to increased traffic to your site.

Enhanced User Experience

  • Organized Content: Pillar pages are the go-to, centralized resource for visitors searching for a particular topic. They allow visitors to explore a topic in depth without having to search for related articles or leave your site.
  • Increased Engagement: By providing links to detailed subtopics, pillar pages keep visitors engaged on your site for longer periods. The bonus? Reduced bounce rates.

Streamlined Content Strategy

  • Content Hub: Pillar pages help organize your content into a cohesive structure. They make it easier to create and plan future content around your core topics.
  • Long-Term Relevance: Unlike short-term content or campaigns, pillar pages can remain relevant over time and continuously attract traffic as you update your content.

Increased Authority and Trust

  • Thought Leadership: A well-researched pillar page positions your brand as an expert in your field.
  • Link-Worthy Content: Pillar pages are more likely to earn backlinks from other websites due to their in-depth nature. This can give an additional boost to your domain authority.

Better Conversion Opportunities

  • Lead Generation: With relevant calls to action (CTAs) on your pillar pages, they become effective lead-generation tools.
  • Guided User Journey: Well-placed CTAs and links to more specific content can help you lead your visitors down a conversion funnel that aligns with their needs.

Pillar pages are essential for boosting your site's SEO and improving the user experience. They establish your brand as an authority on a specific topic and drive long-term engagement, making them a critical component of any effective content marketing strategy.


What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page specifically crafted for a marketing or advertising campaign, designed to guide visitors through the sales funnel and maximize conversions. When users click on an ad, email, or other digital touchpoints, they "land" on this page.


Unlike regular web pages with broader purposes, landing pages focus on a single goal, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for a service. Their clear, singular purpose is to convert visitors into leads or customers.

Benefits of Landing Pages

Landing pages are a powerful asset in your digital marketing strategy. Here’s why:

Higher Conversion Rates

Landing pages are designed with a specific purpose in mind, increasing the likelihood that visitors will complete the desired action. This focused approach typically results in higher conversion rates compared to general website pages.

Targeted Messaging

Tailored to specific campaigns, landing pages deliver messages that resonate deeply with your audience. They address particular pain points or desires, making your communication more effective.

Improved Ad Performance

When aligned with your ad copy, a well-designed landing page can significantly boost the performance of your paid ads, leading to a higher return on your ad spend.

Easier to Test & Optimize

With a single, clear goal, landing pages make A/B testing simpler and more effective. This allows you to refine headlines and calls to action to enhance performance.

Better Tracking & Analytics

Landing pages often feature forms or other methods for capturing visitor data. This makes it easier to collect leads and track user behavior, providing valuable insights for future marketing efforts.


Comparing Pillar Pages vs Landing Pages for Paid Ads

When it comes to paid advertising, directing users to a landing page is generally better for conversions for the following reasons:

  • Focused Messaging: Landing pages are designed with a single, focused goal in mind, which is to convert visitors. They have targeted messaging that aligns with the ad, making it clear what action the user should take.
  • Eliminated Distractions: Unlike pillar pages, which might contain a wealth of information and multiple navigation options, landing pages are streamlined to minimize distractions and keep the visitor focused on the call to action.
  • Customizable for Campaigns: Landing pages can be tailored specifically to match the content and offer of your paid advertising campaign, ensuring consistency and relevance for the visitor.
  • Better Tracking and Analytics: As stated, landing pages allow for more precise tracking and measurement of user behavior and conversion rates. This data can be used to optimize the page for better performance.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Again, landing pages often achieve higher conversion rates than pillar pages due to their simplicity, clear CTA, and focused relevance.

Marketing Pro Tip Marketing Pro Tip

Landing pages are designed with a specific goal. This focused approach typically leads to higher conversion rates compared to pillar pages, which are broader and contain multiple links that can divert attention.


Best Practices for Using Landing Pages in Paid Ads

Landing pages are crucial to the success of a paid ad campaign. To create high-performing landing pages and optimize their effectiveness, follow these tips:

Align With Ad Messaging

Ensure that your landing page messaging matches the copy of your ad. This consistency helps visitors experience a seamless transition from the ad to the landing page, reinforcing the initial offer or promise. Discrepancies between the ad and landing page can lead to confusion, higher bounce rates, and lower conversion rates.

Use Clear and Compelling CTAs

Your CTA should be prominently displayed and compelling. Use action-oriented language such as "Get Access" or "Add to Cart" to clearly indicate the next step. The CTA should stand out visually, ensuring it’s easy for visitors to find and act upon.

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Minimize Distractions

Keep your landing page focused on its primary goal. Avoid unnecessary navigation bars, links, or additional offers that could divert visitors' attention. The content should guide users directly toward the CTA, maintaining their focus on the desired action.

Conduct A/B Testing and Optimize

Continuously improve your landing pages through A/B testing. Experiment with different headlines, CTA button colors, page layouts, and images to determine what works best for your audience. Test one element at a time to accurately gauge its impact.


How to Measure and Improve Landing Page Performance

To maximize the effectiveness of your landing pages, it's essential to regularly monitor their performance and make necessary adjustments. Here’s how:

Track Key Metrics

Monitor crucial landing page metrics such as conversion rate, bounce rate, time on page, and cost per conversion. These indicators provide insights into how well your landing page is performing and highlight areas for improvement.

Use Heatmaps and Session Recordings

Employ tools like heatmaps and session recordings to understand how visitors interact with your landing page. Heatmaps reveal which areas attract the most attention, while session recordings offer real-time views of user behavior, helping you pinpoint friction points or areas of interest.

Optimize for Mobile

Given the rise in mobile device usage, ensure your landing pages are optimized for mobile. This includes fast load times, properly scaled images, and easily tappable CTAs on smaller screens. A responsive design enhances the user experience for mobile visitors.

Improve Page Load Speed

Page load speed is crucial for reducing bounce rates and enhancing user experience. Optimize images, streamline code, and use browser caching to ensure your landing page loads quickly. Even a one-second delay can significantly affect conversion rates.

Refine Your Content

Regularly review and update your landing page content to keep it relevant, clear, and engaging. Minor adjustments, such as rephrasing headlines or tweaking CTA copy, can have a substantial impact on performance.

Marketing Pro Tip Marketing Pro Tip

Establish a consistent schedule for monitoring your landing page metrics to ensure they effectively convert visitors and contribute to the success of your paid ad campaigns.


Integrating Pillar Pages in a Broader Digital Strategy

In a successful marketing strategy, incorporating pillar pages is essential for organizing and centralizing your key topics.

Pillar pages serve as a foundation for your content strategy by defining the core topics that drive your overall approach. They help create consistency and depth throughout your content library.

Because pillar pages address broad topics and link to related, more specific content, they establish a strong internal linking structure. This signals to search engines that your site has high relevance and authority.

Additionally, the data and insights from your pillar pages can guide the creation of landing page content. By analyzing which subtopics within a pillar page attract the most engagement or lead to conversions, you can identify effective messaging, pain points, and solutions that resonate with your audience.

Insights from successful pillar pages can be directly applied to develop highly targeted and effective landing page campaigns.


Creating Landing Pages That Convert

Strategically utilizing both landing and pillar pages can significantly boost your online presence and convert visitors into loyal customers. For maximizing conversions, landing pages are particularly effective.

Regularly test and analyze both types of pages to determine what works best for your specific campaigns.

Want to enhance your online performance? Explore our 25 Website Must-Haves guide to learn how to optimize your website, attract more traffic, increase conversions, and build a strong customer base.

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Stephanie Kidd

Stephanie Kidd

Stephanie is the Senior Editorial Content Manager at LAIRE and helps ensure clients' content is engaging, precise, and designed to generate growth. With content marketing experience in the medical, legal, SaaS, construction, and manufacturing industries (to name a few), she brings a well-rounded knowledge base and skill set to the team. When Stephanie's not writing or editing, she's doing keyword research and helping clients improve their SEO.